Study on preparation, working performance and microstructure of coal mine filling material with large amount of fly ash
ZHOU Linbang;SUN Xinghai;LIU Ze;WANG Dongmin;ZHU Lei
在煤炭资源开采及加工利用过程中,伴生着大量污染环境、占用土地资源且难以处置利用的煤矸石、粉煤灰、煤气化渣等煤基固体废弃物。将煤基固废应用于矿井充填材料制备以解决煤炭开采造成的地层塌陷、生态破坏等问题,能够科学处理固废、保护环境、保证资源持续开采。通过研究不同粉煤灰质量分数下煤基固废充填体新拌浆体的流动度、流变性能以及浆体硬化体的抗压强度和沉缩变化,对比了煤矸石骨料与传统风积砂骨料对充填材料工作性能的影响因素和性能优劣变化趋势。借助X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜–能谱仪(SEM–EDS)、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP–OES)等分析手段,分析了大掺量粉煤灰基矿井充填材料硬化体在不同水胶质量比、不同减水剂添加量时的水化产物、微观结构演变过程及重金属固化能力。结果表明,粉煤灰可有效改善煤基固废充填材料新拌浆体的流动性能,但粉煤灰掺量超过80%,不利于充填体抗压强度进一步提升;当粉煤灰掺量为60%,水胶比(水与胶质量比)为1.0时,加入0.2%聚羧酸减水剂,同等流动度条件下,充填材料净浆流体表现出良好的流变性能,新拌浆体硬化体7、28 d抗压强度分别为4.7、6.2 MPa;以破碎煤矸石做骨料时,充填体早龄期(3、7 d)抗压强度显著提升,充填浆体相对稳定,以传统风积砂做骨料时,充填体28 d龄期抗压强度劣化,不同粉煤灰质量分数下,破碎煤矸石骨料充填体沉缩率始终低于以风积砂为骨料的充填体;粉煤灰掺量为60%,水胶比为1.0时,硬化充填体28 d龄期微观形貌结构密实度高于水胶比为1.2时充填体,EDS能谱扫描Ca元素密集度最高,均匀性最优;28 d龄期时,水胶比为1.0的硬化充填体中Cd和Cr质量浓度相比于3 d龄期,分别降低了70%和41.2%,重金属固化效果优于水胶比为0.8和1.2时。
In the process of coal resource exploitation, processing and utilization, there are a large number of coal-based solid wastes, such as coal gangue, fly ash, coal gasification slag, which pollute the environment, occupy land resources and are difficult to be disposed. Applying coal-based solid waste in the preparation of mine filling materials to solve the problems of stratum collapse and ecological damage caused by coal mining can scientifically deal with solid waste, protect the environment, and ensure the sustainable exploitation of coal resources. By studying the flowability, rheological properties, and compressive strength and shrinkage changes of the newly mixed slurry of coal-based solid waste filling material under different fly ash dosages, the influencing factors and performance trends of coal gangue aggregate and traditional windblown sand aggregate on the working performance of the filling material were compared. By means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS), inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) and other analytical means, the hydration products, microstructure evolution process and heavy metal solidification ability of hardened body of high content fly ash based mine filling materials at different water binder ratios and water reducer additions were analyzed. The results show that fly ash can effectively improve the flowability of the newly mixed slurry of coal-based solid waste filling materials, but the addition of fly ash exceeding 80% is not conducive to further enhancing the compressive strength of the filling material. When the fly ash content is 60% and the water cement ratio is 1.0, adding 0.2% polycarboxylic acid water reducing agent, under the same fluidity conditions, the filling material shows good rheological properties in the pure slurry fluid. The compressive strength of the newly mixed hardened slurry after 7 days and 28 days is 4.7 MPa and 6.2 MPa, respectively. When using crushed coal gangue as aggregate, the compressive strength of the filling material at early age (3, 7 d) is significantly improved, and the filling slurry is relatively stable. When using traditional windblown sand as aggregate, the compressive strength of the filling material at 28 d age deteriorates. Under different fly ash contents, the sedimentation shrinkage rate of the crushed coal gangue aggregate filling material is always lower than that of the filling material using windblown sand as aggregate. When the fly ash content is 60% and the water cement ratio is 1.0, the microstructure and structure density of the hardened filling body at 28 days of age is higher than that of the filling body at a water cement ratio of 1.2, the EDS scanning shows the highest concentration of Ca element and the best uniformity. At the age of 28 days, the content of Cd and Cr in the hardened filling with a water cement ratio of 1.0 decreases by 70% and 41.2%, respectively, compared to the age of 3 days. The solidification effect of heavy metals is better than that at a water cement ratio of 0.8 and 1.2. The study on the preparation and working performance of high content fly ash based mine filling materials can provide reference for the scientific utilization of coal-based solid waste and the development of future safe and green mining technologies for coal resources.
coal-based solid waste;mine filling;water-binder ratio;flow performance;microstructure;heavy metal solidification
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会