W. R. ReedM. ShahanS. KlimaG. RossK. SinghR. CrossT. Grounds
NIOSHJ.H. Fletcher & Co.Prairie State Generating Company LLC
A 3rd generation roof bolter canopy air curtain (CAC) has been developed and constructed by J.H. Fletcher & Co., Inc. As with the previous generation of the CAC, this design uses the principle of providing uniform airflow across the canopy area as recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The new modifications include a plenum that is constructed of a single flat aluminum plate, smaller-diameter airflow openings, and a single row of perimeter nozzles designed to prevent mine air contaminated by respirable dust from entering the CAC protection zone. Field testing was conducted on this new 3rd generation design showing reductions in coal mine respirable dust exposure for roof bolter operators. Dust control efficiencies for the CAC for the left bolter operator (intake side) ranged from approximately 26%–60%, while the efficiencies for the CAC for the right bolter operator (return side) ranged from 3% to 47%.
Roof bolterRespirable dustCoal miningCanopy air curtain
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会