Xugang LianHaifeng HuTao LiDongsheng Hu
School of Mining Engineering, Taiyuan University of TechnologyGeological Survey Department, Yangquan Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
As one of the largest coal-rich provinces in China, Shanxi has extensive underground coal-mining operations. These operations have caused numerous ground cracks and substantial environmental damage. To study the main geological and mining factors influencing mining-related ground cracks in Shanxi, a detailed investigation was conducted on 13 mining-induced surface cracks in Shanxi. Based on the results, the degrees of damage at the study sites were empirically classified into serious, moderate, and minor, and the influential geological and mining factors (e.g., proportions of loess and sandstone in the mining depth, ratio of rock thickness to mining thickness, and ground slope) were discussed. According to the analysis results, three factors (proportion of loess, ratio of rock thickness to mining thickness, and ground slope) play a decisive role in ground cracks and can be respectively considered as the critical material, mechanical, and geometric conditions for the occurrence of mining surface disasters. Together, these three factors have a strong influence on the occurrence of serious discontinuous ground deformation. The results can be applied to help prevent and control ground damage caused by coal mining. The findings also provide a direct reference for predicting and eliminating hidden ground hazards in mining areas.
Loess layerMain geological and mining factorsGround cracksGround slopeUnderground coal mining
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会