Development state of impact hazard prediction and monitoringand early warning technology in coal mines
MAI Qiaoli;WU Xuesong
With the increasing production intensity and mining depth of mines, coal resource mining has gradually shifted tothe deeper and western parts of the country, resulting in the generalization of rock burst disasters, which has become one ofthe major hazards threatening China’ s underground coal mining. From the two aspects of prediction and monitoring and earlywarning, this paper focuses on the development status of five prediction and forecasting technologies and seven monitoringand early warning technologies, as well as the construction of impact hazard indicators and the building of a comprehensivemonitoring system and platform, and discusses the problems in the practical application of impact hazard identification technology, proposes new technological innovation and development ideas, and provides an prospect of its overall developmenttrend and direction.
rock burst;hazard identification;prediction and forecast;monitoring and early warning
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会