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  • Title

    Study on co/competitive adsorption mechanism of CO2/C3H6O on the surface of metal oxide-coupled pyrrole nitrogen biochar

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Huichun;HUA Changhao;CHEN Ping;GU Mingyan;GONG Cheng;ZOU Shuai;WANG Yi

  • 单位

    安徽工业大学 能源与环境学院华中科技大学 煤燃烧国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Energy and Environment, Anhui University of Technology
    State Key Laboratory of Energy Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    本研究采用密度泛函理论,通过比较吸附量、吸附能以及态密度和电荷差分密度的分析,探究了不同金属氧化物耦合吡咯氮生物炭(CN5@MOx,MOx=ZnO、CaO、Na2O)表面CO2与C3H6O(CO2&C3H6O)的吸附机理。首先从CO2/C3H6O单组分方面计算了其在CN5@MOx表面吸附量和吸附能,计算结果表明,在333 K、100 kPa时CN5@Na2O表面对CO2/C3H6O单组分吸附量分别为3.65、15.34 mmol/g,吸附能分别为−145.86、−132.47 kJ/mol,均高于CO2/C3H6O单组分在CN5@CaO及CN5@ZnO表面吸附。得出Na2O掺杂吡咯氮生物炭对CO2/C3H6O单组分吸附效果最优。进一步研究了CO2&C3H6O在CN5@MOx表面共/竞吸附及机理。计算结果表明,CO2&C3H6O在CN5@Na2O、CN5@CaO、CN5@ZnO表面吸附存在临界温度(分别为333、353、393 K),超过临界温度以后CO2&C3H6O共存体系在CN5@MOx表面吸附量较CO2/C3H6O单组分有所提高。CO2&C3H6O在CN5@Na2O、CN5@CaO、CN5@ZnO表面吸附能分别比CO2或C3H6O单组分吸附时至少高141.59、112.77、31.75 kJ/mol,CN5@MOx表面对CO2和C3H6O的吸附表现为协同促进作用,且CN5@Na2O对CO2&C3H6O共同吸附效果最佳。采用电荷差分密度和态密度分析CO2&C3H6O在CN5@MOx表面协同吸附作用机理,得出CO2的吸附作用力是通过C3H6O与CO2的间接相互作用产生的,Na2O中Na与C3H6O电子云重叠,发生电荷转移,增强了两者间相互作用力,CN5@Na2O表面C3H6O与CN5在p轨道主要共振峰结合能较CN5@ZnO低了3.43 eV,使得C3H6O在CN5@Na2O表面吸附最稳定。
  • Abstract
    Biomass has a wide range of sources and is porous, and it is a raw material for the preparation of adsorbents with high application value. The adsorption effect of metal oxide-modified biochar on CO2 and acetone can be significantly improved, but the together/competitive relationship and adsorption mechanism of metal oxide-modified biomass-based adsorbent for simultaneous adsorption of multiple components are not clear. Based on this, the co-adsorption relationship between CO2 and C3H6O on the surface of metal oxide-doped nitrogen-rich biochar was carried out, which is of great significance for the multi-component synergistic adsorption and removal of biomass-based adsorbents. In this study, the adsorption mechanism of CO2 and C3H6O (CO2&C3H6O) on the surface of different metal oxide-coupled pyrrole biochar (CN5@MOx, MOx=ZnO, CaO, Na2O) was explored by comparing the adsorption capacity, adsorption energy, state density and charge differential density analysis. Firstly, the adsorption capacity and adsorption energy of CO2/C3H6O single component were calculated from the CN5@MOx surface, and the calculation results show that at 333 K and 100 kPa, the adsorption capacity of CO2/C3H6O on the surface of the CN5@Na2O is 3.65 and 15.34 mmol/g, and the adsorption energy is −145.86 and −132.47 kJ/mol, respectively, which are higher than that of CO2/C3H6O on the surface of CN5@CaO and CN5@ZnO. It was concluded that Na2O-doped pyrrole-nitrogen biochar had the best adsorption effect on CO2/C3H6O one-component adsorption. The common/competitive adsorption of CO2&C3H6O on the CN5@MOx surface was further studied. The calculation results show that there are critical temperatures for the adsorption of CO2&C3H6O on the surface of CN5@Na2O, CN5@CaO and CN5@ZnO (333, 353 and 393 K, respectively), and the adsorption capacity of CO2&C3H6O coexistence system on the CN5@MOx surface is higher than that of CO2/C3H6O single component after the critical temperature. The adsorption energy of CO2&C3H6O on the surface of CN5@Na2O, CN5@CaO and CN5@ZnO was at least 141.59, 112.77 and 31.75 kJ/mol higher than that of CO2 or C3H6O single-component adsorption, respectively, and the adsorption of CO2 and C3H6O on the CN5@MOx surface showed a synergistic promotion effect, and the CN5@Na2O had the best co-adsorption effect on CO2&C3H6O. Finally, the electron density difference and density of state were used to analyze the mechanism of synergistic adsorption of CO2&C3H6O on the CN5@MOx surface, and it was concluded that the adsorption force of CO2 was generated by the indirect interaction between C3H6O and CO2, and the electron cloud of Na and C3H6O in Na2O overlapped, and charge transfer occurred, which enhanced the interaction force between the two. The binding energy of the main formant of C3H6O and CN5 in the p orbital on the CN5@Na2O surface is 3.43 eV lower than that of CN5@ZnO, making the most stable adsorption of C3H6O on the CN5@Na2O surface.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pyrrole functional biochar;metal oxides;CO2;C3H6O

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    汪辉春, 花昌豪, 陈萍, 顾明言, 龚成, 邹帅, 汪一. CO2/C3H6O在金属氧化物耦合吡咯氮生物炭表面的共/竞吸附机理研究[J]. 燃料化学学报(中英文), 2024, 52(2): 206-217.
  • Citation
    WANG Huichun, HUA Changhao, CHEN Ping, GU Mingyan, GONG Cheng, ZOU Shuai, WANG Yi. Study on co/competitive adsorption mechanism of CO2/C3H6O on the surface of metal oxide-coupled pyrrole nitrogen biochar[J]. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2024, 52(2): 206-217.
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