How to realize safe-efficient-intelligent mining of rock burst coal seam
WANG Guofa;PAN Yishan;ZHAO Shankun;PANG Yihui;HE Yonghua;WEI Wenyan
中国煤炭科工集团有限公司北京天玛智控科技股份有限公司辽宁大学 灾害岩体力学研究所煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司中煤科工开采研究院有限公司
How to realize safe and efficient intelligent mining of rock burst coal seam is an important industrial technical problem. This paper systematically analyzes the distribution characteristics, mining status and development trend of rock burst mine in China, and deeply analyzes the main mining problems faced by rock burst mine. From the aspects of regional ground stress monitoring and inversion, mine development layout optimization, coal pillar size optimization, combined depressurization up and down well, displacement and filling mining, separated layer grouting, etc., the development status of rock burst mine life cycle prevention and control technology is described. In view of the difficult problem of roadway rock burst prevention and control, the collaborative intelligent adaptive anti-impact support technology and equipment for all roadways with rock burst are developed. The energy absorption anti-impact hydraulic support is used to achieve the effect of strong support for roadway surrounding rock under normal condition and rapid displacement and energy absorption during the impact process. Based on intelligent migration device of support, monitoring and warning system of support and intelligent design method of all roadway collaborative adaptive anti-impact support, the prevention and control system of intelligent energy absorption support of roadway under rock burst is constructed. This paper analyzes the anti-shock principle of the intelligent mining system of coal face, proposes to predict and warn the location and probability of rock burst by monitoring and analyzing the mining stress of surrounding rock and the fracture structure of overlying rock, based on 3D geological model and big data algorithm, etc., and carry out intelligent linkage control on the supporting posture and supporting force of hydraulic support and the cutting speed of shearer through the intelligent mining system. Realize the intelligent mining of coal face and the intelligent prevention and control of rock burst. From the aspects of intelligent monitoring of stope stress and overburden structure, construction of rock burst disaster database, classification prediction and early warning of rock burst disaster, this paper analyzes the research and development focus of intelligent rock burst prevention and control technology, and puts forward the composition and overall structure of mine rock burst monitoring and early warning system. From the aspects of top-level design, key technology, intelligent and accurate crisis relief and effect evaluation, the technical path and research and development direction of realizing safe and efficient intelligent mining of coal seam with rock burst in China are put forward.
rock burst;mining stress;scour prevention technology;intelligent mining system;suction anti-impact hydraulic support;monitoring and early warning system
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会