• 全部
  • Title

    Peracetic acid activation for degradation of emerging contaminants:Processes, performance and mechanism

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Jiabao;LIU Yanbiao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University
    Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security
  • 摘要
    水中新污染物的去除是环境工程领域的热点与难点。 研究表明,基于过氧乙酸(PAA)活化的高级氧化技术可诱生具有强氧化性的活性物种来降解水中的新污染物。 目前,常用的 PAA活化策略包括直接活化(紫外光、超声、热、电活化)、均相活化(金属离子与无机阴离子活化)与非均相活化(金属催化剂与碳催化剂活化)三类。 本文系统综述了各类 PAA 活化策略的反应原理与典型新污染物的降解性能,阐述了不同 PAA 活化策略中活性物种的类型与来源;分析了不同 PAA 活化策略的主要影响因素,比较了不同活化策略的优势与适用性。 最后,基于 PAA 活化高级氧化技术发展与应用面临的挑战,展望了 PAA 活化技术未来的发展方向。
  • Abstract
    The removal of emerging contaminants (ECs) from water has been a hotspot and a challengein the field of environmental engineering. Advanced oxidation processes ( AOPs) based on peraceticacid (PAA) activation can generate active species with strong oxidative capability to attack ECs in wa⁃ter. Currently, reported strategies for PAA activation include direct activation, homogeneous activation,and heterogeneous activation. This paper provides a systematic review of the reaction mechanisms of va⁃rious PAA activation strategies, the degradation performance of typical ECs, and the types and sourcesof active species in different PAA activation strategies. The main influencing factors of different PAAactivation strategies have been analyzed, and a comparison has been made regarding the advantages andapplicability of different activation strategies. Finally, considering the challenges faced in the develop⁃ment and application of PAA activation AOPs, future research directions are proposed.
  • 关键词

    高级氧化 过氧乙酸 有机自由基: 新污染物 反应机制

  • KeyWords

    Advanced oxidation; Peracetic acid; Organic radical; Emerging contaminants; Reactionmechanism

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    吴家宝, 刘艳彪. 活化过氧乙酸降解新污染物: 过程、性能和机制[ J]. 能源环境保护, 2024, 38(1):24-37.
  • Citation
    WU Jiabao, LIU Yanbiao. Peracetic acid activation for degradation of emerging contaminants: Processes, perform⁃ance and mechanism[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(1): 24-37.
  • 相关专题

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