• 全部
  • Title

    Theory and technical conception of carbon-negative and high-efficient backfill mining in coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Heping;ZHANG Jixiong;GAO Feng;LI Baiyi;LI Cunbao;XIE Yachen;ZHOU Nan

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学−深圳大学−四川大学 深地工程智能建造与健康运维全国重点实验室深圳大学 深地科学与绿色能源研究院中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院多伦多大学 土木工程系 多伦多 M5S1A1

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory for Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation and Maintenance of Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology - Shenzhen University - Sichuan University
    Institute of Deep Earth Sciences and Green Energy, Shenzhen University
    School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology
    Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto
  • 摘要

    矿山安全高效绿色低碳开采是永恒的主题,近零冲击地压、近零生态损害以及低碳、零碳、负碳的绿色开采将成为保障我国能源安全供应与绿色低碳发展的新要求。充填开采是实现这一要求的必然途径。然而,现有充填开采原理与技术装备体系难以突破高产高效、低碳开采的技术瓶颈,对充填材料及充填模式进行变革已势在必行。针对“千米深井资源开发和千万吨产能矿井充填(两个一千)”与“近零生态损害和近零冲击地压(两个近零)”的煤炭绿色低碳开采战略目标,提出了负碳高效充填开采技术全新构想,系统阐述了负碳高效充填开采的定义与科学内涵,提出和建立了由CO2、矸石与快速胶结物混合而成的负碳高孔隙充填材料结构CGIF(CO2 Gangue Inorganic Framework)拓扑构型与强度理论以及CGIF混合物充填体固碳理论、快速黏凝胶结材料反应动力学理论、矿区充填开采防治冲击地压等负碳高效充填理论构想;提出了矸石快速高效胶结高孔隙充填材料制备技术、快速黏凝胶结材料绿色高效制备技术、CGIF充填体负碳高效充填开采技术、多面并采高效充填开采技术与工艺、全周期立体高效充填开采防冲技术等关键技术体系。在此基础上,明确了煤矿负碳高效充填开采“基础研究—技术攻关—工程示范”的“三阶段”发展规划,构建了煤矿负碳高效充填开采理论与技术体系构想;评估了煤矿负碳高效充填CO2封存能力,可望实现煤炭负碳开采、低碳利用的煤炭开发利用全过程自身实现碳中和的新格局。

  • Abstract

    Safe, high-efficient, green and low-carbon mining is an eternal theme of coal mines. Near zero rock burst, near zero ecological damage and low-carbon, zero-carbon and carbon-negative green mining will become new requirements to ensure China's energy security supply and green low-carbon development. Backfill mining is the inevitable way to achieve these requirements. However, the existing theories, technologies, and methods of backfill mining are difficult to overcome the technical bottlenecks of high yield, high efficiency, and low-carbon mining, and it is imperative to reform the filling materials and filling modes. In view of the strategic goal of low-carbon coal mining of “kilometer deep mine resource development and ten-million-ton productivity mine filling (two thousands) ” and “near zero ecological damage and near zero rock burst (two near zeros)”. The definition and concept of carbon-negative & high-efficient backfill mining in coal mines has been systematically expounded, and the theoretical development for carbon-negative & high-efficient backfill mining in coal mines has been proposed, including the topological configuration and strength theory of CGIF (CO2 Gangue Innovative Framework) for high porosity filling materials structure, the carbon sequestration theory of CGIF mixture filling body, the reaction kinetics theory of fast adhesive gel bonding material, and the prevention and control of rock burst by filling mining in mining area. The key technical systems have been proposed, such as the preparation technology of gangue fast and efficient cementation high porosity filling material, the green and efficient preparation technology of fast and efficient cementation gel binding material, the negative carbon efficient filling mining technology of CGIF backfill, the negative carbon efficient filling mining technology, the technology of multi-face mining, and the full cycle three-dimensional efficient filling mining and rock burst prevention technology. On this basis, the “three stage” development plan of “basic research, technical research, and engineering demonstration” for carbon-negative & high-efficient backfill mining in coal mines has been clarified, and a theoretical and technical system for carbon-negative & high-efficient backfill mining in coal mines has been constructed. The CO2 storage capacity with carbon-negative & high-efficient backfill mining in coal mines has been evaluated. It is expected to achieve a new pattern of carbon neutrality in the entire process of coal development and utilization through carbon-negative mining and low-carbon utilization.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    carbon negative backfill;high porosity material;CGIF filling body;carbon sequestration theory;anti-burst technology

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    谢和平,张吉雄,高峰,等. 煤矿负碳高效充填开采理论与技术构想[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(1):36−46.
  • Citation
    XIE Heping,ZHANG Jixiong,GAO Feng,et al. Theory and technical conception of carbon-negative and high-efficient backfill mining in coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(1):36−46.
  • 相关专题
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    • 负碳高效充填开采技术

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