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  • Title

    Coal roadway rapid driving technology and equipment with integrated drilling and anchoring and its application

  • 作者


  • Author

    KANG Hongpu;JIANG Pengfei;WANG Ziyue;ZHANG Xiaofeng;LIU Chang;LUO Chao;WEI Yaozhong;GUO Jichang;CHEN Zhiliang;WANG Rui;HAN Cundi;LI Faquan;HE Zongke;SU Chao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute
    Tiandi Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Coal Mining and Strata Control
    CCTEG Taiyuan Research Institute
    SHCCIG Caojiatan Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    分析煤巷掘进技术与装备现状及存在的问题,介绍研发的钻锚一体化快速掘进新模式、新技术、新装备及井下应用效果。研发出钻锚一体化锚杆支护技术与设备,包括钻锚一体化锚杆、泵注式锚固剂、钻锚一体化钻臂、钻箱、锚杆仓、锚固剂泵注系统及智能控制系统,将传统树脂锚固锚杆安装6道工序简化为1道连续工序,实现了锚杆自动化“一键”打设,单根锚杆作业时间由原来5~6 min减少为3 min。研发出自动化喷涂支护技术与装备,包括高强、速凝、抗变形喷涂护表材料,抗拉强度超过9 MPa,断裂伸长率超过100%,黏结强度高于3 MPa;研发出6自由度喷涂系统,可实现随掘自动化快速喷涂作业。研发出巷道随掘变形动态监测技术与系统,实现随掘大粉尘、多干扰、低照度环境下的巷道表面变形监测,监测精度能够满足围岩稳定性评价要求。提出煤巷掘支锚运分区并行协同快速掘进新模式,研制出钻锚一体化快速掘进成套装备。对试验矿井陕西陕煤曹家滩煤矿回采巷道掘进过程中围岩位移和稳定性进行了监测,在时间上,巷道掘出2~3 h后80%以上的围岩位移已经发生;在空间上,距离掘进工作面相当于2倍巷道宽度的位置,90%以上的围岩位移已经完成。快速掘进引起的巷道围岩位移在很短时间内就基本完成,要求支护必须及时且快速。在曹家滩煤矿10 m超大采高综采工作面特大断面回采巷道完成近6000 m的巷道掘进工程,打设钻锚一体化锚杆60000余根。锚杆施工时间、支护用工人数及作业人员劳动强度大幅降低,掘进速度、效率及自动化水平显著提高。试验巷道顶板位移量小、完整稳定,支护效果良好。煤巷钻锚一体化快速掘进技术与装备井下试验取得成功,具备了特大断面煤巷月掘进进尺1500~2000 m的能力。

  • Abstract

    This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of coal roadway driving technologies and equipment, introduces the new mode, technology, equipment of coal roadway rapid driving with integrated drilling and anchoring and its underground applications. The bolting technologies and equipment with integrated drilling and anchoring are developed which include the integrated drilling and anchoring bolt, pumpable resin, drilling boom and drill rig as well as bolts cartridge with integrated drilling and anchoring, pump unit and intelligence control system. The new technology simplifies the traditional six-step rock bolting process to one continuous step. Rock bolting can be realized automatically by pressing button once and the operation time for installing a single bolt can be reduced from 5 to 6 minutes to 3 minutes. The technologies and equipment of automatic spraying support are developed which include high-strength, rapid setting, and deformable surface supporting spraying materials with a tensile strength exceeding 9 MPa, elongation at break exceeding 100%, and a bonding strength exceeding 3 MPa. The spraying system with 6-degree-of-freedom manipulator is developed which can automatically and rapidly spray during roadway driving. The dynamic monitoring technology and system for roadway surrounding rock deformation are developed during driving which can achieve a surface deformation monitoring of roadway in environments with dust, multiple interference, and low illumination. The monitoring accuracy can meet the requirements of the surrounding rock stability evaluation. A new partitioned parallel collaborative rapid driving mode of excavation, spraying, bolting and transport is proposed and a complete set of roadway rapid driving equipment with integrated drilling and anchoring is developed. The displacement and stability of the surrounding rock during the driving process at the Caojiatan Coal Mine in Shaanxi Province are monitored. In terms of time, more than 80% of the surrounding rock displacement had already occurred in 2 to 3 hours after the excavation of the roadway. In terms of space, more than 90% of the surrounding rock displacement had already occurred at a distance equivalent to twice the width of the roadway from the excavation face. Therefore, the roadway surrounding rock displacement caused by rapid driving can be completed in a short time, requiring timely and rapid support. The nearly 6 000 m roadway driving project has been completed in the 10-metre-extra-high fully mechanized mining face of the Caojiatan Coal Mine, and over 60 000 bolts with integrated drilling and anchoring are installed. The time for installing a single bolt, the number of supporting workers, and the labor intensity of workers have been significantly reduced. The driving speed, efficiency, and automation level have been significantly improved. The displacement of the experimental roadway roof is small. The roadway surrounding rock stability is good as well as the support effect. The coal roadway rapid driving technology and equipment with integrated drilling and anchoring have achieved a success in underground field test. It has the ability to achieve a monthly driving footage of 1500 to 2000 m for ultra-large cross-section coal roadways.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal roadway;rapid driving;integrated drilling and anchoring;spraying support;roadway deformation monitoring during driving;partitioned parallel collaborative of excavation and bolting

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    康红普,姜鹏飞,王子越,等. 煤巷钻锚一体化快速掘进技术与装备及应用[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(1):131−151.
  • Citation
    KANG Hongpu,JIANG Pengfei,WANG Ziyue,et al. Coal roadway rapid driving technology and equipment with integrated drilling and anchoring and its application[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(1):131−151.
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  • 图表
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