• 全部
  • Title

    Principles and key technologies for the large-scale ecological utilization of coal gangue

  • 作者


  • Author

    HU Zhenqi;ZHAO Yanling;MAO Zhen

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 环境与测绘学院中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院矿山生态安全教育部工程研究中心

  • Organization
    School of Environment and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology
    School of Earth Sciences and Surveying and Mapping Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
    Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration
  • 摘要

    煤炭是我国主要能源,是能源安全的压舱石。煤矸石作为采煤和洗煤加工过程中的必然产物,每年产出量达7亿t以上,亟需规模化、生态化利用技术,以破解煤矸石作为企业发展绊脚石的难题。在分析煤矸石大规模利用中的生态损伤机理的基础上,提出煤矸石规模化生态利用原理,从技术视角探讨了环境安全的规模化生态利用具体解决途径,提出了酸性煤矸石山原位污染控制与生态修复和煤矸石地面充填造地两大规模化生态利用方式关键技术。结果表明:① 煤矸石规模化生态利用的关键是环境污染的防控,通过对矸石的可利用性和经济性评价,结合风险管控手段,可实现煤矸石规模化生态利用。② 对已堆积的矸石山采用原位污染控制基础上的植被恢复以实现生态化利用,提出了污染源头诊断−防灭火与污染阻隔−植被恢复一体化的生态利用技术。基于矸石氧化产酸产热导致污染的机理分析,采用热红外与测绘技术相耦合进行煤矸石山深部燃点(氧化点)定位;研发了杀菌剂与还原菌耦合的氧化抑制剂并结合惰性材料覆盖碾压进行抑氧隔氧污染阻隔;对自燃区采用喷浆控火与注浆灭火结合的安全灭火技术;氧化抑制剂结合惰性材料覆盖碾压的长效防火技术;提出以乡土草灌为主的防燃型植被恢复技术,可实现酸性煤矸石山的原位污染控制与生态修复。③ 通过地面充填生态化利用可行性分析、充填生态化利用技术和维护管理长期监测,可实现煤矸石地面充填造地的生态化利用。其关键是矸石材料筛选的污染风险分析、地面充填场地选择的可行性分析以及充填全过程的环保措施,包括充填前的场地底部防渗阻隔、渗滤液导排等安全环保措施,充填中的分层充填技术、防火控酸的污染防控和土壤剖面重构技术,充填后的侵蚀控制、植被恢复等技术。煤矸石规模化生态利用不仅解决了矿区固废堆存带来的生态环境问题,还通过对新、旧矸石的科学合理利用,打造矿区生态修复的新模式。

  • Abstract

    Coal is the main energy in our country and the ballast stone of energy security. As an inevitable product in the process of coal mining and coal washing, coal gangue has an annual output of more than 700 million tons, which is in urgent need of large-scale and ecological utilization to solve the problem of coal gangue as a stumbling block in enterprise development. Based on the analysis of the mechanism of ecological damage in large-scale utilization of coal gangue, the principle of large-scale ecological utilization of coal gangue was put forward, and the concrete solution of large-scale ecological utilization of environmental safety is discussed from the technical perspective. Two key technologies of large-scale ecological utilization was put forward, namely in-situ contamination control and ecological restoration of acid coal gangue mountain, and ground filling of coal gangue. The results demonstrated that: ① The key to large-scale ecological utilization of coal gangue is prevention and control of environmental contamination. Large-scale ecological utilization of coal gangue can be realized through the evaluation of the availability and economy of gangue that combined with environmental risk management. ② Realized the ecological utilization of accumulated gangue mountain by vegetation restoration based on in-situ contamination control, and developed an ecological utilization technology integrated with pollution source diagnosis, fire prevention, pollution barrier, and vegetation restoration. Based on the mechanism analysis of pollution caused by acid and heat production of gangue oxidation, thermal infrared coupled with surveying and mapping technology was uesd to locate the deep burning point (oxidation point) in gangue mountain; an oxidation inhibitor coupled with fungicide and reducing bacteria was invented, which covered with an inert materia and rolled to prevent oxygen and pollution; the fire-fighting technology combining shotcrete fire control and grouting is adopted in the spontaneous combustion area; and a fire-proof vegetation restoration technology based on local and grass irrigation was put forward, which realized in-situ contamination control and ecological restoration of acid coal gangue mountain.③ The ecological utilization of ground filling of coal gangue can be realized through the feasibility analysis of ecological utilization of ground filling, the technology of ecological utilization and the long-term monitoring of maintenance management. The key of ecological utilization is the contamination risk analysis of gangue material screening, the necessity and feasibility analysis of ground filling site selection, and environmental protection measures during the whole filling process, including safety and environmental protection measures such as anti-seepage barrier at the bottom of the site before filling, layered filling technology and soil profile reconstruction technology for fire prevention and acid control in filling, erosion control and vegetation restoration after filling. Large-scale ecological utilization of coal gangue not only solves the ecological environment problems caused by solid waste storage in mining areas, but also creates a new mode of ecological restoration in mining areas through scientific, safe, and reasonable utilization of new and dated gangue.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gangue;large-scale;ecological utilization;pollution control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划资助项目(2020YFC1806505);国家自然科学基金资助项目(41371502, 52004274)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    胡振琪,赵艳玲,毛缜. 煤矸石规模化生态利用原理与关键技术[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(2):978−987.
  • Citation
    HU Zhenqi,ZHAO Yanling,MAO Zhen. Principles and key technologies for the large-scale ecological utilization of coal gangue[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(2):978−987.
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  • 图表
    • 煤矸石规模化利用生态损伤机理

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