• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the standard system for green mine construction in china’scoal mines under the construction of ecological civilization

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Hui;CUI Wenrui;GAO Shuai;REN Zhixin;GUO Huaqi;TIAN Guihua;LIU Yang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Inner Mongolia Ordos Yongmei Mining Corporation Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to better serve the construction of green mines in China’ s coal mines, it is urgent to do a goodjob in the construction of a standard system for green mines in coal mines. The research on the construction of a greenmine system in coal mines is of great significance for practicing China’ s ecological civilization construction. We ana⁃lyzed the construction process and related policies and standards of green mines, discussed the existing problems inthe current situation of green mine construction in China, and proposed ideas for the construction of green mine con⁃struction standards. Through research, it has been found that the current green mining construction system in Chinahas problems such as relatively lagging standardization construction, incomplete implementation of existing standards,and the absence of relevant technical standards, based on this, the construction concept of a standard system forgreen coal mines is proposed. By accelerating the construction of exploration, construction, and evaluation standardsfor green mines in the coal industry, the construction of green mines can be effectively promoted. At the same time,it is recommended to develop a revised plan for green exploration of coal geology, establish a sound standard systemfor green exploration technology, develop new technologies, processes, and equipment for green exploration, andimplement environmental restoration and governance work after green exploration. By strengthening the mandatorystandards for the construction of green coal mines, we aim to provide legal basis for green mine construction and a⁃chieve full coverage of green mine construction standards. It is proposed to accelerate the construction of green miningtechnology standards, green digital intelligent mining technology standards, coal comprehensive utilization technolo⁃gy, and comprehensive prevention and control standards. It is recommended to establish and optimize the existing e⁃valuation standard system for green coal mines, clarify the evaluation scope, evaluation methods, evaluation indica⁃tors, calculation formulas, etc., strengthen the evaluation ability discrimination of third-party institutions and theconstruction of evaluation talent teams, and establish a sound evaluation mechanism and regulatory accountabilitymechanism.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal; green mines; standard system; exploration techniques; mining construction; evaluation meth⁃ods; environmental remediation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈辉, 崔文瑞, 高帅, 等. 我国煤炭绿色矿山标准体系建设探究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2024, 39 (1): 29-33.
  • Citation
    CHEN Hui, CUI Wenrui, GAO Shuai, et al. Research on the standard system for green mine construction inchina’s coal mines under the construction of ecological civilization [J]. Coal Quality Technology,2024,39(1):29-33.

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