• 全部
  • Title

    Self-reactivation of spent limestone to enhance its CO2capture capacity in multiple cycles

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Rongyue;HU Tianjiao;YIN Pengxiang;SHEN Hao;TAO Chengfei;LYU Xun

  • 单位

    南京工程学院 能源与动力工程学院西子清洁能源装备制造股份有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology
    Xizi Clean Energy Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Calcium looping process is a kind of cost-effective and high-efficiency CO2 capture technology. A certain amount of fresh calcium based sorbent should be supplemented to the process and corresponding amount of spent sorbent is discharged. It is of significant to realize in situ reutilization of such a quantity of spent calcium based sorbent. A dual-fixed bed reactor was employed to prepare the spentlimestone and investigate the cyclic carbonation conversions of spent limestone after self-reactivation. XRD, SEM and N2 adsorption analysis were employed to discuss the mechanism that self-reactivation improves the CO2 capture capacity of spent limestone. The results showthat when placed in a constant humidity environment, spent limestone can absorb the H2 O in the air to form Ca(OH) 2 and go on toform calcium hydroxide hydrate when the value of water absorption φ is 100%. The limit value for φ is 130%. CO2 capture capacity of thespent limestone is dramatically enhanced after self-reactivation, which is proportional to φ. Compared with CaCO3, the CO2 capture capacity of spent limestone is much more sensitive to φ. When φ is 130%, the CO2 capture capacity of the spent limestone after self-reactivation is even higher than that of the fresh limestone. The microstructure analysis results show that due to the sintering occurred under hightemperature calcination, the CaO grain size in calcined limestone increases from 41.9 nm to 72.2 nm. The micro-pores are blocked. Thepore volume and BET surface area decrease dramatically. After self-reactivation, the CaO grain size in the calcined limestone obviouslydecreases, and plenty of pores are regenerated on the surface. When φ is 130%, the CaO grain size decreases to 35.1 nm, the pore volume and BET surface area are recovered to 70.5% and 107.6% those of the calcined fresh limestone, especially the pore volume that distributed in 10-100 nm is regenerated dramatically. Therefore, the CO2 capture capacity of spent limestone can be enhanced by self-reactivation. The self-reactivation process can accelerate the attrition rate of spent limestone. However, even when φ is 100%, the diameter ofthe sorbent particle only decreases by 0.55% per hour. To sum up, the spent limestone after self-reactivation can sufficiently be used assupplementary sorbent instead of fresh limestone in calcium looping process for CO2 capture.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    CO2 capture;calcium looping;calcium based sorbent;sintering;self-reactivation;attrition characteristics

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验

       1.1 试验样品

       1.2 循环煅烧/碳酸化试验

       1.3 颗粒磨损特性

       1.4 微观结构分析

    2 结果与讨论

       2.1 失活石灰石自活化过程

       2.2 吸水率对自活化后石灰石捕集CO2影响

       2.3 微观结构分析

       2.4 自活化对石灰石颗粒磨损特性的影响

    3 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孙荣岳,胡天骄,尹鹏祥,等.失活石灰石自活化增强循环捕集 CO2特性[J].洁净煤技术,2024,30(2):340-346.
  • Citation
    SUN Rongyue,HU Tianjiao,YIN Pengxiang,et al.Self-reactivation of spent limestone to enhance its CO2 capture capacityin multiple cycles[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(2):340-346.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 失活石灰石吸水率随时间变化

    图(11) / 表(0)


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