• 全部
  • Title

    Safety analysis and prevention and control technology ofthick coal seam mining under river in Xingyun coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    GUO Wenbing;WU Dongtao;YANG Weiqiang;MA Zhibao;LIU Xuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
    Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean High Efficiency Utilization
  • 摘要
    为掌握厚煤层开采覆岩破坏及导水裂隙发育规律,综合运用理论分析、数值模拟、地表钻孔冲洗液漏失量现场观测和钻孔电视相结合的研究方法,对某矿工作面煤层上方覆岩破坏及导水裂隙发育规律进行了研究。 提出了河流下厚煤层开采覆岩导水裂隙带发育高度计算方法,揭示了厚煤层开采覆岩破坏形态及裂隙发育过程,分析了河流下采煤安全性,开展了河流下煤层开采地表河流综合防治技术研究并进行了实施。 结果表明:研究区河流下厚煤层开采的导水裂隙带高度为118.5 m,裂采比为 21.5;理论分析和数值模拟得到的导水裂隙带发育高度与现场实测结果一致,导水裂隙带高度呈阶梯形上升,每个阶段均有突增点,基本顶周期性破断后,基本顶上覆岩层易发生整体断裂下沉,最终表现为阶段稳定及突增现象;导水裂隙带在埋深较浅处(如河床)将直接发育到地表,没有防水安全煤岩柱;针对河流下厚煤层开采安全问题,提出了河流下采煤的安全技术措施,包括地面河流水体处理、河底内封堵导水通道、井下防治水等,彻底解除了河流下采煤的安全隐患,实现了河流下厚煤层安全开采。
  • Abstract
    A comprehensive method including theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, observationsof surface borehole flushing fluid loss and borehole television was conducted to investigate the law ofoverlying strata failure and water-conducting fracture development above coal seam in working face of amine. This paper proposed the method to predict the height of water-conducting fracture zone of overbur-den rock in thick coal seam mining under river, revealed the failure form and fracture developmentprocess of overburden in thick coal seam mining, analyzed the safety of coal mining under rivers, andcarried out the research and implementation comprehensive prevention and control technology for surfacerivers in coal mining under rivers. The results show that the height of water-conducting fracture zone is118.5 m and the fracture-mining ratio is 21.5 in thick coal seam mining under rivers. The height of wa-ter-conducting zone obtained by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation is consistent with the in-situ measurement results. The height of the water-conducting fracture zone show a step change, and thereis a sudden increase point at each stage. The overlying strata over main roof are prone to integral fractureand subsidence after the periodic fracture of the main roof stratum, which finally shows stage stabilityand sudden increase. In the place where the coal seam is buried at a shallow depth, such as in the river-bed area, the development height of the water-conducting fracture zone will directly reach the surface,without waterproof safe coal rock pillar. In view of the safety problems of thick coal seam mining underrivers, the safety technical measures of coal mining under rivers are put forward, including the treatmentmeasures of surface water, the sealing of water-conducting channels in the river-bottom, undergroundwater control measures and other measures, which have completely removed the safety hazards of coalmining under rivers and realized the safe mining of thick coal seam under rivers.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining under river;water-conducting fracture zone;borehole flushing fluid loss;boreholetelevision;water disaster prevention and control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    1 地质采矿条件及河流情况
    1.1 地质采矿条件
    1.2 河流情况
    2 厚煤层开采覆岩破坏高度分析
    2.1 厚煤层开采覆岩破坏规律
    2.2 厚煤层开采覆岩破坏高度计算
    3 数值模拟
    3.1 模型设计
    3.2 模拟结果及分析
    4 导水裂隙带高度现场实测
    4.1 钻孔位置及结构
    4.1.1 钻孔位置
    4.1.2 钻孔结构
    4.2 钻孔实测结果分析
    5 钻孔电视观测
    5.1 钻孔观测方法
    5.2 钻孔观测结果分析
    5.3 河流下厚煤层开采安全性分析
    6 河流下采煤安全技术措施
    6.1 地面河流水体处理措施
    6.2 河底内封堵导水通道
    1) 封堵地表裂隙。
    2) 封闭不良钻孔。
    6.3 井下防治水措施
    6.4 其他防治措施
    7 结 论
  • DOI
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