• 全部
  • Title

    Formation mechanism of swelling pressure during pyrolysis process of coking coal and its impact on coke quality

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Shuai;ZHOU Wenyan;GAO Yafang;SHEN YanfengWANG;Meijun CHANG

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Coal Utilization, Taiyuan University of Technology
    Key Laboratory of Coal Science and Technology (Taiyuan University of Technology), Ministry of Education
    Shanxi Coking Coal Group Company Limited
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In the industrial chamber coking process, excessive swelling pressure can cause damage to the coke oven walls and difficulties in coke pushing, while too low swelling pressure affects the quality of coke products. The current coking process controls the swelling pressure by adjusting the volatile matter of the coal charged into the oven, but lacks a fundamental under-standing of the mechanism behind the formation of swelling pressure in coking coal, resulting in possible unstable operation of coke oven and significant fluctuations in coke quality. Therefore, the structural characteristics of coking coal was analyzed and the formation and evolution of swelling pressure was explored from the molecular level, and the essential connection between the swelling characteristic of coking coal and coke quality was revealed. The chemical structures of five coking coals (Q1, JA1, F1, J1 and S1) with different coal ranks were analyzed using car-bon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (13C NMR). The evolution mechanism of the decomposition behavior, flowing characteristics, and swelling characteristics of the coal matrix during the pyrolysis process of a single coal was explored using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), small-scale pyrolysis experiments, Gieseler fluidity, Audibert-Arnu dilatometer, per-meability test device, and swelling pressure and swelling displacement detection devices. The re-sults indicate that the release of pyrolysis gases such as CO, CO2 and CH4, as well as the forma-tion of low-permeability zone, have an impact on the generation of swelling pressure, and an ap-propriate swelling pressure can improve the coke quality. The swelling pressure is found to be generated in coal in the temperature range of 300 ℃-450 ℃, which is related to the structural de-composition of falO1, falO2, and fal1-fal5 in the coal. Coal with excessively high swelling pressure (130 kPa-180 kPa) forms coke with many pores and lower true density, resulting in inferior coke quality. While coal with moderate swelling pressure (90 kPa-110 kPa) produces better quality coke.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal chemical structure, flowing characteristics, swelling characteristics, evo-lution mechanism, coke quality

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王 帅,周文艳,高亚芳,等.炼焦煤热解过程中膨胀压力的形成机制及对焦炭质量的影响[J].煤炭转化,2024,47(2):30-43
  • Citation
    WANG Shuai,ZHOU Wenyan,GAO Yafang,et al.Formation mechanism of swelling pressure during pyrolysis process of coking coal and its impact on coke quality[J].Coal Conversion,2024,47(2):30-43
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