• 全部
  • Title

    Impact analysis of coal mining on ecological environment in Shendong Mining area from 1990 to 2022 based on R SEI

  • 作者


  • Author

    FAN Yahui;LIU Ying;HENG Wenjing;YUE Hui;BI Yinli

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Geomatics,Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    College of Geology and Environment,Xi’an University of Sci-ence and Technology
    Institute of Ecological Environment Restoration in Mine Areas of West China,Xi’an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Quantitative analysis of the impact of human activities such as coal mining and land reclamation on the envi-ronment can provide a basis for environmental protection in mining areas.Based on Landsat images from 1990 to 2022,remote sensing ecological index(R SEI)was used to evaluate the temporal and spatial dynamic evolution charac-teristics of the ecological environment in Shendong mining area.The relationship model between temperature,rainfall and R SEI was further established by using random forest model,and the predicted value of R′SEI under climatic condi-tions was obtained.Residual analysis and Landtrendr algorithm were combined to quantitatively assess the impact of human activities.The results show that:① The average R SEI of mine scale and mine scale is higher,but the average R SEI of mine scale is lower than mine scale.From 2018 to 2022,the R SEI decline rate of the photovoltaic area is-0.027,slightly lower than that of the control area,indicating that the overall ecological environment of the Shen-dong mining area has been slightly improved,but the ecological environment quality at the mine scale is lower than that at the mining area,and the construction of the photovoltaic area has played a role in improving the ecological environment.② The correlation coefficient R 2 between the actual R SEI before(1990—1996)and after(1996—2022)mining in Shendong Mining area is 0.61.The ecological environment of the mining area has a good trend un-der the influence of climate factors only.③ After mining(1996—2022),the average residual δ of mining area scale is 0.07,and the part of δ<0 is mainly concentrated in the mine concentration area in the north of the mining area and its surrounding areas,accounting for 39.74%of the total area.When new mining activities are added to the mining ar-ea,the proportion of δ<0 area will increase significantly.The overall δ-value of mine scale showed a decreasing trend from 1996 to 2000,an increasing trend from 2000 to 2012,and a decreasing trend from 2012 to 2022.④ From 1990 to 2022,the mean values of scale disturbance and recovery intensity in mining area are 0.45 and 0.37,respec-tively,while the mean values of mine scale disturbance and recovery intensity are 0.43 and 0.37,respectively.The intensity of mine scale disturbance is lower than mine scale but similar to mine scale recovery intensity.After mining(1996—2022),the proportion of disturbance and restoration area both increased first and then decreased,in-dicating that disturbance and restoration behavior of mining area always occur together,and the disturbance caused by coal mining can be offset by self-restoration and human reclamation behavior after ecological damage.The maxi-mum duration of disturbance in the mining area is 1 a,and the maximum duration of recovery is 16 a,indicating that the mining disturbance in the study area is a sharp mining disturbance event.After the occurrence of temporary mining disturbance,there will be recovery events,and the artificial restoration behavior of the mining ar-ea is long-term and sustainable.To sum up,coal mining behavior has a strong negative impact on the ecological envi-ronment of the mining area,but it can be repaired by various measures taken by human beings and the restoration a-bility of the environment itself.This study is helpful to understand the impact of coal mining on the ecological environ-ment of the mining area,and provides a scientific basis for the restoration and improvement of the ecological environ-ment quality of Shendong Mining Area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Shendong Mining Area;remote sensing ecological index;coal mining;ecological environment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    范雅慧,刘英,衡文静,等.基于 R SEI 的神东矿区 1990—2022 年煤炭开采对生态环境的影响分析[J].绿色 矿山,2024,2(1):42-54.
  • Citation
    FAN Yahui,LIU Ying,HENG Wenjing,et al.Impact analysis of coal mining on ecological environment in Shen-dong Mining area from 1990 to 2022 based on R SEI[J].Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(1):42-54.
  • 相关专题

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