• 全部
  • Title

    Feasibility study on the application of ameba management model in state owned coal enterprises

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Hui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shenhua Xinjie Energy Co. , Ltd. , Ordos
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The three system reform of state-owned enterprises has been continuously promoted as a long-term systematic work for 20 years. As an important component of the national energy economy, state-owned coal enterprises are also facing the problems and challenges of the three system reform. Some coal enterprises have implemented a management tenure system and contractual management, explored differentiated salary distribution methods for employees, established and improved wage determination and normal growth mechanisms that are basically adapted to the labor market, linked to the economic benefits and labor productivity of the enterprise, and promoted internal management personnel to move up and down, employees to move in and out, and income to increase and decrease, continuously improving the internal management level of the enterprise. In recent years, the Amoeba management model has achieved certain results in the application of some state-owned enterprises in China. The article introduces the connotation, system architecture, and application methods of the Amoeba management system in state-owned coal enterprises, and discusses the feasibility and potential application effects of this management model in state-owned coal enterprises.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    amoeba management model;state-owned coal enterprises;application;feasibility of application

  • 文章目录
    1 阿米巴管理模式综述
    1.1 阿米巴管理模式的本质
    1.2 阿米巴管理模式的组织架构
    1.3 阿米巴管理模式的优势
    2 国有煤炭企业在经营管理过程中存在的问题
    2.1 被动执行生产经营任务,缺乏自主经营意识
    2.2 内生动力不足,职工积极性不高
    3 阿米巴管理模式的实施目标
    4 阿米巴管理模式的实施
    4.1 阿米巴管理体系的建立
    4.1.1 体系建立的思路
    4.1.2 体系建立的原则
    4.1.3 体系的建立步骤
    4.2 阿米巴管理体系架构
    4.3 阿米巴管理模式的应用方法
    4.3.1 分巴
    4.3.2 核算与结算
    4.3.3 奖励兑现
    5 阿米巴管理模式实施效果预测
    5.1 改变员工思想,提高工作效率
    5.2 降低运营成本,促进提质增效
    5.3 改善运营管理
    6 结 语
  • DOI
  • 引用格式

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