• 全部
  • Title

    Lean upgrading of key links of flotation process system in Fucun Coal Preparation Plant

  • 作者


  • Author

    GAO Kui;GUO Ying;LIU Zhao-xue;WANG Ming-dong;ZHANG Yang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Zaozhuang Mining (Group) Fucun Coal Industry Co. , Ltd. Jining
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In view of the problems of unstable product quality, poor operation effect of process equipment, rough running of flotation tailings system, poor stability of production system caused by strong randomness of manual operation, and high flotation drug consumption in the flotation system of coal preparation plant, the lean upgrading of the key links of cleaned coal flotation quality control and flotation reagent formula and dosing process system, standardize the operation behavior of employees, control the flotation feed particle size management, install float defoamer, upgrade reagent formula and dosing process, etc. , to reduce the flotation drug consumption, stabilize the product quality, improve the float extraction rate, realize the efficient and stable operation of the flotation system, and improve the quality and efficiency of the enterprise.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal preparation plant;cleaned coal flotation;float defoamer;emulsion dosing;lean management

  • 文章目录
    1 付村选煤厂概况
    2 浮选系统生产现状及存在的问题
    2.1 生产现状与产品指标分析
    2.2 存在的生产问题
    2.2.1 工艺设备管理粗放
    2.2.2 浮选精矿池液位判断误差大
    2.2.3 浮选药耗高
    2.2.4 操作标准不全面,员工执行难度大
    3 改造方案
    3.1 生产技术管理
    3.1.1 浮选入料粒级管理
    3.1.2 优化绩效考核管理制度
    3.2 消泡、缓冲设计
    3.2.1 浮选机下料槽加喷水
    3.2.2 安装浮精消泡器
    3.3 优化浮选精矿池液位检测单元
    3.4 选用新型浮选药剂,提高浮选精煤抽出率
    3.5 优化浮选加药工艺系统,提高浮选效率
    3.5.1 药剂乳化系统
    3.5.2 加药系统方案升级
    4 效益分析
    5 结 语
  • DOI
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  • 相关文章

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