• 全部
  • Title

    Optimal planning method for the high-quality coal mine energy system with complete clean energy supply

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIANG Rui;LI Jiaxiang;GONG Dunwei;HUANG Hongxu;LIANG Kaize;LIU Hailong;LI Xiao

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 电气工程学院青岛科技大学 信息科学技术学院中煤集团新疆能源有限公司宁夏红墩子煤业有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
    School of Information Science and Technology, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
    Xinjiang Energy Company of China Coal Group
    Ningxia Hongdunzi Coal Industry Company
  • 摘要

    面向“30·60”双碳目标,矿区能源利用方式的绿色、经济、高效转型成为我国能源革命的迫切需求。西部矿区拥有丰富的可再生能源资源禀赋,但仍面临着可再生能源就地消纳困难,电力设备投资成本高、利用率低以及外送输电通道有限的困难。为提升矿区用能清洁化程度,提升矿区能源供给的稳定性与可靠性,增强矿区对外部电网的支撑能力,提出全清洁能源下的高品质矿区能源系统(High-quality Coal Mine Energy System, HCMES)及其配置优化方法。首先,考虑西部矿山综合能源系统的负荷特点与伴生能源利用,结合可再生能源发电与废弃矿井抽水蓄能,构建全清洁能源下的HCMES架构。其次,考虑到矿区生产全流程负荷的需求响应能力,考虑系统的能量平衡约束,提出全清洁能源下的高品质矿区能源系统优化配置模型。最后,以系统年平均综合成本最小化为目标,将原问题转化为混合整数线性规划模型,求解生成高品质矿区能源系统优化配置方案。以我国西部某年产煤量1200万t的矿区实际数据为实例,验证所提模型与方法的有效性,并分析可再生能源出力与生产负荷需求不确定性对系统优化配置结果的影响。算例仿真设置了4种矿区能源系统配置方式:不配置储能、配置抽水蓄能、配置电化学储能、配置抽水蓄能(不外购电能)。结果表明,所提出的HCMES相较于其他配置方式可减少电气一次设备投资11.11%,相较于方式3可降低年平均综合成本7.91%,且最多可减少矿区生产用能总二氧化碳排放量91.17%。

  • Abstract

    Under the “30·60” dual carbon goals, the transit to a green, cost-effective, and efficient energy utilization approach in coal mining areas has become an urgent need for China’s energy revolution. Western mining areas in China are endowed with abundant renewable energy resources while facing the challenges in on-site renewable energy consumption, high investment costs and low utilization rates for electrical equipment, and limited transmission capacity. To enhance the cleanliness of energy utilization in mining areas, improve the stability and reliability of energy supply, and strengthen the ability of mining areas to support the external power grid, a high-quality coal mine energy system (HCMES) with complete clean energy supply and the corresponding planning method are proposed respectively. Firstly, a comprehensive clean energy HCMES framework is developed con-sidering the load characteristics and associated energy utilization in western mining areas, and combining renewa-ble energy generation with pumped-hydro storage in abandoned mine. Secondly, taking into account the demand response capability of the entire production process in mining areas and considering the energy balance con-straints of the system, the HCMES planning model is proposed to completely utilize the clean energy supply. Finally, with the objective function of minimizing the annual average comprehensive cost of the system, the original problem is reformulated into a mixed integer linear programming model to solve the optimal configuration for the high-quality coal mine energy system. Using real data from a western mining area in China with annual coal production of 12 million tons in a certain year, this study validates the effectiveness of the proposed model and methodology. Additionally, the impact of the uncertainty in renewable energy output and production load demand on the optimization results is analyzed. The simulation scenarios include four different configurations of the mining area energy system: system without energy storage, system with pumped-hydro storage, system with electrochemical storage, and system with pumped-hydro storage (without external electricity purchase). The results indicate that the proposed HCMES can reduce electrical primary equipment investment by 11.11% compared to other configurations, achieve a 7.91% reduction in the average annual comprehensive cost compared to Configuration 3, and potentially decrease the total carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption in the mining area by up to 91.17%. The HCMES, by fully consuming on-site renewable energy and achieving complete clean energy supply for mining area production, while maintaining sufficient reserve capacity, can export flexible, stable, and controllable electrical energy under medium and long-term power contracts. This approach offers significant economic, environmental, and social benefits.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    complete clean energy;associated energy utilization;pumped-hydro storage in abandoned coal mines;coal mine integrated energy;configuration optimization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    梁睿,李嘉翔,巩敦卫,等. 全清洁能源下的高品质矿区能源系统配置优化方法[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(3):1669−1679.
  • Citation
    LIANG Rui,LI Jiaxiang,GONG Dunwei,et al. Optimal planning method for the high-quality coal mine energy system with complete clean energy supply[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(3):1669−1679.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • HCMES的结构

    图(9) / 表(4)


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