• 全部
  • Title

    Study on change law of time function parameters for dynamic prediction of mining subsidence: Taking Weibull as an example

  • 作者


  • Author

    YU Chenglin;ZHANG Hongzhen;FAN Hongdong

  • 单位

    徐州市自然资源和规划局中国矿业大学 环境与测绘学院

  • Organization
    Xuzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
    School of Environment and Surveying and Mapping, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    针对开采沉陷动态预测模型中时间函数参数主要以最大下沉点的下沉时间序列为基础反演获取,在工作面上方空间位置变化规律研究不足的问题;依据工作面推进过程中覆岩受力、垮落情况,在平面方向上将采空区分为竖向整体受压区、中间区、动态完全区3个区间;以Weibull时间函数为例,分析了动态预测mk 2个参数的含义、空间分布规律及特点,并构建2个参数的分区数学模型及选取准则;分别以实测最终值、概率积分法预测值为基准,通过实例验证了其正确性,丰富了开采沉陷动态预测参数研究。

  • Abstract

    In view of the fact that the time function parameters in the dynamic prediction model of mining subsidence are mainly obtained by inversion based on the subsidence time series of the maximum subsidence point, its research on the spatial position change law above the working face is insufficient. According to the stress and collapse of the overburden during the advancing process of the working face, the goaf is divided into three sections in the plane direction: vertical overall compression zone, middle zone and dynamic full zone; taking Weibull time function as an example, the meaning, spatial distribution law and characteristics of the parameters m and k of dynamic prediction are analyzed, and the partition mathematical model and selection criteria of the two parameters are constructed; based on the measured final value and the predicted value of probability integral method, the correctness is verified through examples, which enriches the research on parameters of mining subsidence dynamic prediction.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dynamic prediction;mining subsidence;parameters change mechanism;Weibull time function;probability integral method

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    喻成林,张宏贞,范洪冬. 开采沉陷动态预测时间函数参数变化规律研究——以Weibull为例[J]. 煤矿安全,2024,55(3):175−180.
  • Citation
    YU Chenglin, ZHANG Hongzhen, FAN Hongdong. Study on change law of time function parameters for dynamic prediction of mining subsidence: Taking Weibull as an example[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2024, 55(3): 175−180.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 工作面动态分析分区图

    图(4) / 表(1)


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