Research on retention of waterproof coal column in collapsecolumn based on limit equilibrium theory
ZOU Guanghua;YANG Jiannan
To effectively manage the water diversion-induced disaster phenomenon of water-bearing collapse columns, this study focuses on the 4108 working face of Pingshuo Jinggong No.1 Coal Mine.It calculates the limit equilibrium width of waterproof coal columns based on the actual geological production conditions under ground.The study aims to determine the width of water proof coal columns theoretically and uses UDEC soft ware to simulate and analyze the plastic failure of coal columns with varying widths.The simulation results in dicate that when the width of the coal column reaches 40 m, the yield zone and surrounding crack zones inside the coal column remain essentially stable.According to the stability requirements of a coal column, the elastic zone's width should exceed 14 m, while the waterproof coal column's width should be maintained at 40 m.The width of the elastic zone within the coal column increases as the coal column width increases.When the width of the coal column exceeds 40 m, the width of the yield zone and the plastic zone within the coal col umn remains relatively stable.The 4108 working face adopts a designed bypass collapse column scheme, which optimizes the process of bypassing collapsed columns and effectively reduces the loss of coal re sources.
water-bearing collapse column;limit equilibrium theory;waterproof coal column;numerical simulation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会