• 全部
  • Title

    Pressure relief gas control technology under protective layer mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    BAI Zhenhua;GAO Pin;JI Dong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Xiayukou Coal Mine, Shaanxi Shanmei Hancheng Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    conditions of protective layer mining in Xiayukou Coal Mine, and the difficulty of gas control on the working face of protec-tive layer 3 # coal seam, through the prediction of gas emission on working face and the analysis of gas sources, a reasonablegas extraction scheme is determined. Based on the technology of coal and gas co-mining under the conditions of medium andshort distance coal seams, we determine the comprehensive gas control schemes such as reasonable layout of through-layerdrilling for gas extraction and pressure relief, gas extraction with buried pipe in goaf, pre-extraction along the layer, and sim-ultaneous extraction and extraction. The test results show that the gas over-limit problem did not occur during the mining ofthe 4216 working face; within the range of 15 ~ 35 m in the initial mining stage of the upper protective layer, the pressure re-lief gas extraction enters the active period, and the drilling construction should be carried out at 35 m ahead of the workingface. The comprehensive gas control scheme is effective and feasible with referential significance for the gas prevention andcontrol of outburst mines in Hancheng mining area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas over limit;gas extraction;protective layer mining;simultaneous mining of coal and gas;pressure relief gas control

  • DOI
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