Mining technology and practice of full-solid waste cemented backfilling in narrow strip of extra-thick coal seam under buildings
LIU Lang;LUO Yixiao;ZHU Mengbo;SU Chen;WU Taotao;WANG Jianyou;HANG Yanlong
西安科技大学 能源学院榆林泰发祥矿业有限公司 麻黄梁煤矿西安弗尔绿创矿业科技有限责任公司榆林蒙西水泥有限责任公司
我国建筑物下压煤量巨大,同时煤矸石、粉煤灰等煤基工业固体废弃物排放量日益增加,严重制约地方经济社会发展。以榆林麻黄梁煤矿为试验矿井,针对其特厚煤层、建筑物下压煤、充填成本高等问题,提出了特厚煤层全固废连采连充开采技术。采用四阶段工序并将特厚煤层分为上、下2部分二次回采压覆煤炭,最大程度控制地面沉降。为降低充填原材料成本,采用化学优化剂对镁渣进行源头改性,抑制镁渣冷却粉化,稳定水化活性,协同粉煤灰、脱硫石膏等煤基固废,研发了改性镁−煤渣基胶凝材料。采用改性镁−煤渣基胶凝材料胶结煤矸石、粉煤灰制备了全固废充填材料。针对麻黄梁煤矿四阶段强、弱充填强度要求,设计不同配比的改性镁渣基充填材料试验,优选配比并应用于井下充填。论述了膏体充填系统与充填接顶方法。麻黄梁煤矿全固废胶结充填工艺试验显示,井下28 d龄期充填体钻芯平均单轴抗压强度超设计强度27%,钻芯浸出毒性满足相关国家标准要求,成功回收了建筑物下压覆煤炭资源,社会经济效益显著。麻黄梁煤矿特厚煤层全固废胶结充填开采实践为国内类似矿井提供了有益借鉴,同时为我国大型煤炭基地的“煤−电−化−冶”固废大规模资源化利用提供了新的思路。
There is a great amount of coal pressed under buildings in our country, while the discharge of coal-based industrial solid wastes such as coal gangue and fly ash are increasing, which has severely restricted the local economic and social development. Taking Mahuangliang Coal Mine in Yulin as the test mine, aiming at the problems of extra-thick coal seam, coal pressed under buildings and high backfilling cost, the technology of full solid waste continuous mining and filling in extra-thick coal seam is put forward. The four-stage process is adopted and the extra thick coal seam is divided into upper and lower parts for secondary mining to control the ground settlement to the maximum extent. In order to reduce the cost of filling raw materials, the source modification of magnesium slag is carried out with chemical optimizer to restrain the cooling pulverization of magnesium slag and stabilize hydration activity. In collaboration with coal based solid wastes such as fly ash and desulfurized gypsum, modified magnesium-cinder based cementing material is developed. The whole solid waste filling material was prepared by cementing coal gangue and fly ash with modified magnesium cinder based cementing material. According to the requirements of strong and weak filling strength in four stages of Mahuangliang Coal mine, different ratios of modified magnesium slag-based filling materials were designed to optimize the ratio and applied to underground filling. The paste filling system and roof-contact method are introduced. The experimental results show that the average uniaxial compressive strength of the 28-day underground filling body exceeds the designed strength by 27%. The leaching toxicity of the core meets the relevant national standards, which successfully liberates the coal resources under the building and has significant social and economic benefits. The practice of full-solid waste cementation and backfilling in the extra-thick seam of Mahuangliang Coal Mine provides a useful reference for similar mines in China, and provides a new idea for the large-scale resource utilization of “coal-electricity-chemical-metallurgical” solid waste in large coal bases in China.
coal mining under buildings railways and water-bodies;backfill mining;modified magnesium slag;extra-thick coal seam;solid waste disposal
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会