• 全部
  • Title

    Accurate monitoring and accounting of methane emission in underground coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Beijing;LI Xiaoxu;ZHANG Jingshun;LUAN Zheng;LI Jun;CHEN Wei;WANG Ziyao;TANG Xiaoping

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 应急管理与安全工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院华电电力科学研究院有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Emergency Management and Safety Engineering
    School of Earth Science and Mapping Engineering
    Huadian Electric Power Research Institute Co.
  • 摘要

    甲烷作为全球第二大温室气体,具有增温潜势高、寿命短的特点,主要来源于煤炭、油气生产、农业、畜牧业和废弃物处理等领域。积极稳妥有序控制甲烷排放,兼具减缓全球温升的气候效益、能源资源化利用的经济效益、协同控制污染物的环境效益和减少生产事故的安全效益。甲烷也是煤矿生产排放中最主要的温室气体,目前对煤矿甲烷的排放监测及其在煤矿三维立体空间内的浓度分布研究将成为我国甲烷排放控制行动的重点,对煤矿企业更好顺应国家战略具有重要意义。选取山西某高瓦斯矿井、陕西某低瓦斯矿井进行甲烷排放监测核算,以固定监测、手工监测、无人机监测及矿后活动监测等方式研究我国高低瓦斯矿井甲烷分布,并对其甲烷排放量开展分析。结果表明:①美国Climate TRACE网站公布的山西某高瓦斯矿井、陕西某低瓦斯矿井2022年度甲烷排放量与实测法计算的结果差异较大,其中公布的某低瓦斯矿井年度甲烷排放量为实测法计算结果的10.92倍,自上而下的监测核算方法准确性不足,无法为碳交易提供可靠的数据支持。②矿后活动监测核算发现,采用IPCC缺省值计算的矿后活动甲烷排放量是实测法计算的3~5倍,且不同粒径和暴露时间下煤样反馈的矿后活动排放量差异较大。亟需一套统一精准的测试标准,为未来碳市场交易提供公平准确的数据。

  • Abstract

    Methane, the second most prevalent greenhouse gas globally, is characterized by its high global warming potential and short atmospheric lifetime. It is primarily emitted from sectors such as coal mining, oil and gas production, agriculture, livestock rearing, and waste management. Active, prudent, and orderly control of methane emissions offers a multifaceted benefit: it mitigates global warming, enhances the economic value through the resource utilization of energy, provides environmental advantages by control of pollutants, and improves safety by reducing production accidents. Methane is also the principal greenhouse gas emitted in coal mine operations. Currently, monitoring and researching the distribution of methane emissions and their concentration within the three-dimensional space of coal mines have become a key focus in China’s methane emission control efforts, which is of significant importance for coal mining enterprises to align with national strategies. A study conducted on a high-gas mine in Shanxi and a low-gas mine in Shaanxi for methane emission monitoring and accounting utilized fixed monitoring, manual monitoring, drone monitoring, and post-mining activity monitoring to investigate the distribution of methane in high and low gas mines in China and to analyze their methane emissions. The results indicate that: ① The methane emission volumes for a certain high-gas mine in Shanxi and a low-gas mine in Shaanxi published by the U.S.-based Climate TRACE website for the year 2022 show a significant discrepancy from the results calculated using the ground measurement method, with the published annual methane emission volume for a certain low-gas mine being 10.92 times that of the ground measurement calculation. The top-down monitoring and accounting methods have been found to be insufficiently accurate and unable to provide reliable data support for carbon trading. ② In the monitoring and accounting of post-mining activities, the use of default values recommended by the IPCC results in methane emissions that are 3 to 5 times higher than those calculated using the ground measurement method, and there is a significant variation in the emissions calculated based on coal samples of different sizes and exposure durations. There is an urgent need for a unified and precise testing standard to ensure fair and accurate data for future carbon market transactions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    underground coal mine;methane emission;IPCC default value;accurate monitoring and accounting;emission factor

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划资助项目(2022YFC2904100,2023YFC3011300); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2023ZKPYAQ04)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    解北京,李晓旭,张景顺,等. 井工煤矿甲烷排放精准监测与核算[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(4):119−130.
  • Citation
    XIE Beijing,LI Xiaoxu,ZHANG Jingshun,et al. Accurate monitoring and accounting of methane emission in underground coal mine[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(4):119−130.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
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