• 全部
  • Title

    Numerical simulation study on development law of mining-induced overburden separation layer in deep and thick coal seam in western mining area

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Daolei;MIAO Tianyu;HAN Chenghao;WANG Kai;WANG Houchen;CHAI Deyang;GAO Jie

  • 单位

    山东科技大学 地球科学与工程学院山东科技大学 能源采矿工程学院肥城白庄煤矿有限公司山东泰山能源有限责任公司 协庄煤矿

  • Organization
    College of Earth Science & Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology
    College of Energy and Mining Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology
    Feicheng Baizhuang Coal Mine Co., Ltd.
    Xiezhuang Coal Mine, Shandong Taishan Energy Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    为了丰富离层发育规律的研究方法,以石拉乌素矿22108工作面为对象,通过分布式光纤(BOTDR)及定点光纤对离层位置进行综合确定,结合颗粒流PFC2D数值模拟,对大采高、大采深条件下采动覆岩离层发育规律进行研究。结果表明:随着工作面推进,离层空间在关键层底部自下而上向主关键层底部发育,离层发育埋深在440、396、376、331、321、296 m附近,层位止于粗砂岩主关键层底部;覆岩运移主要经历下位关键层沉降、上位亚关键层快速沉降、向粗砂岩主关键层底部发展、主关键层运移阶段;离层层位与工作面推进距离呈正比,且离层发育主要分为孕育(Ⅰ)-加速扩容(Ⅱ)-压密阶段(Ⅲ)3个阶段。

  • Abstract

    To enrich the research methods for studying the development law of bed separation, this paper takes the upper 08 working face of 221 in Shilawusu Mine as the research object, and comprehensively determines the location of bed separation through distributed optical fiber (BOTDR) and fixed-point optical fiber. The particle flow code (PFC2D) is used to study the pattern of the separation layer development under the conditions of large mining height and large mining depth. The results show that, as the working face advances away from the cutting hole, the separated layer develops intermittently from the bottom to the bottom of the key layer, and the depth of separation layer development is around 440 m, 396 m, 376 m, 331 m, 321 m and 296 m, and the layer stops at the bottom of the main key layer of coarse sandstone. The overburden transport mainly goes through the stages of subsidence of the lower key layer, rapid subsidence of the upper sub-key layer, development of overburden movement towards the bottom of the main key layer of coarse sandstone, and transport of the main key layer. The separated layer position is proportional to the advancement distance of the working face, and the development of the separated layer is mainly divided into three stages, which are gestation (Ⅰ)-accelerated expansion (Ⅱ)- compression stage (Ⅲ).

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pattern of separation movement;distributed optical fiber;fixed-point optical fiber;PFC2D;space of separated strata

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    谢道雷,苗田雨,韩承豪,等. 西部矿区深埋厚煤层采动覆岩离层发育规律数值模拟研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2024,55(4):204−212.
  • Citation
    XIE Daolei, MIAO Tianyu, HAN Chenghao, et al. Numerical simulation study on development law of mining-induced overburden separation layer in deep and thick coal seam in western mining area[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2024, 55(4): 204−212.
  • 图表
    • 离层裂隙产生力学条件

    图(6) / 表(1)


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