• 全部
  • Title

    Determination of fecal coliform group in water——comparison of enzyme substrate method and fluorescence spectrophotometry

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Yin;Liu Xinan;Wang Jing;Liu Juan

  • 单位

    河北省生态环境监测中心中国南水北调集团中线有限公司 河北水质监测中心石家庄高新技术产业开发区供水排水公司

  • Organization
    Hebei Province Ecology Environmental Monitoring Center
    China South to North Water Diversion Group Middle Route Corporartion Ltd., Hebei Brancht
    Shijiazhuang Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Water Supply and Drainage company
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Enzyme substrate method and fluorescence spectrophotometry were used to detect fecal coliform group in source water, landscape water and sewage. Compared with the method of enzyme substrate and fluorophotometry, the result of fluorophotometry is less relative error, closer to the true value and more accurate. The relative standard deviation of fluorometric method was lower than that of enzyme substrate method, indicating that the stability of fluorometric method was better than that of enzyme substrate method. Two methods were used to determine different types of samples, and the results were statistically analyzed. It was found that the two methods had correlation in statistics, and there was no significant difference. The fluorometric method can be used to determine fecal coliform group in a short time, reduce the human error and avoid the influence of the measuring time on the results, especially suitable for emergency detection.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fluorescence method;emergency detection;enzyme substrate method;standard sample

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张 茵1,刘溪南2,王 静3,刘 娟3. 水中粪大肠菌群的测定-酶底物法与荧光光度法的比较[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(3): 151- 154,160..
  • Citation
    Zhang Yin1,Liu Xinan2,Wang Jing3,Liu Juan3. Determination of fecal coliform group in water——comparison of enzyme substrate method and fluorescence spectrophotometry. CCI, 2024, 47(3): 151- 154,160..
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