Numerical and application study on pressure relief and antireflection of overlying hard thick roof coal-rock
YUAN Yanmei;QIAO Wei;OU Cong;WU Fengzhi;CHEN Longxun
永城职业学院中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院夏阔坦矿业开发有限责任公司
Based on the hard and thick overlying strata of the protected coal seam in Yushutian Coal Mine.Physical experiments, numerical simulation and field application were adopted to study on the stress characteristics of the protected area, especially the vertical stress evolution law of the protected coal seam, and the variation law of the original rock stress area, stress-concentrated area and the pressure relief area.The scheme of protective layer mining was therefore designed.The high directional long borehole was selected for gas drainage.The results showed that the key stratum will be formed in the hard and thick strata when the upper protective stratum is mined, which will directly affect the mining effect of the protective layer.After mining of the upper protective layer, the pressure relief intensity of the protected layer is 50%, the swelling deformation is 0.391%, and the concentration of air gas in the working face of the protected coal seam is reduce to 0.35%.The field application shows that when the protected coal seam is overlaid with hard and thick rock, the optimal effect of pressure relief, antireflection and gas extraction can be achieved by employing the upper protective layer mining and directional long borehole methods.
hard thick roof;pressure relief and antireflection;upper protective layer mining;numerical simulation;gas extraction
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会