• 全部
  • Title

    Three-phase meso-mechanical properties and meso-failure mechanism of coal gangue concrete

  • 作者


  • Author

    FAN Donglin;CHEN Sushe;LI Guangbin;WANG Wei;ZHANG Xiangdong;SU Lijuan;LI Wenliang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CHN Energy Shendong Coal Technology Research Institute
    CHN Energy Shendong Ordos New Energy Technology Development Co. , Ltd.
    School of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In order to investigate the mechanical properties of coal gangue concrete, the multiphase micromechanical properties of coal gangue concrete were studied. Based on the meso-scale, the heterogeneous numerical model of gangue concrete was established, and the influence of various internal media on the mechanical properties of gangue concrete was analyzed. The results show that the mesoscopic model can well describe the mechanical properties, failure mode and internal damage evolution process of gangue concrete; The mechanical properties of gangue concrete are related to the three-phase mechanical properties; With the increase of ITZ strength, the peak stress of gangue concrete first increases and then decreases, but the residual strength tends to be the same; The improvement of ITZ mechanical properties has little effect on the failure mode of gangue concrete and the distribution and propagation of macro-cracks; Increasing the strength of cement mortar can increase the peak stress and brittleness of coal gangue concrete; The strength of coarse aggregate increases the peak stress of concrete; When, the peak stress of concrete can be effectively increased; When, the peak stress growth rate decreases rapidly; The brittleness of concrete can be improved by increasing the strength of aggregate.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    comprehensive utilization of coal gangue;coal gangue coarse aggregate;polyphase micromechanics;numerical simulation;mesoscale damage mechanism

  • DOI
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