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  • Title

    Distribution pattern and influencing factors of in-situ stress for deep levels in Shoushan No.1 Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    GUO Deyong;CHUAI Xiaosheng;ZHANG Tiegang;GUO Mingsheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Emergency Management and Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
    China Pingmei Shenma Energy and Chemical Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    为探讨平顶山首山一矿深部地应力分布规律及其影响因素,基于矿井实测地应力数据,运用构造物理学、岩石力学和数值模拟方法,研究了测点地应力类型、大小和方向分布规律,反演了地应力场分布特征,分析了埋深、岩性和地质构造对地应力的影响,确定了影响地应力分布的主控因素。研究表明:多元回归反演分析法获得的地应力计算值与实测值吻合,相对误差小于20%,结果可靠。矿井煤岩体处于三维压应力状态,煤层主应力关系为SH > SV > Sh,地应力由矿井北部向南部呈现先增大后减小再增大的变化趋势,地应力为28~44 MPa,属于高应力水平,地应力方向为NEE向。埋深影响地应力大小和类型,随埋深增加主应力增大,应力场类型向准静水压力场过渡;岩性与地应力密切相关,从泥岩到砂岩或灰岩,地应力增大,弹性模量越大地应力越大,地层岩性的差异造成地应力大小离散分布、应力方向偏转角不超过10°;矿井地应力与埋深、弹性模量的关系可表示为σH=0.0350H+0.4681E−8.5513。地质构造是影响首山一矿地应力分布的主控因素,褶皱形态控制地应力的水平应力分布,向斜内弧应力值大于背斜内弧,且褶皱弯曲程度越大,其内弧地应力越大,应力梯度越大;断层带内应力降低、断层尖灭端应力集中,地应力方向沿着断层走向偏转,与断层走向夹角越大,应力方向偏转角越大;断层切割复式褶皱时,断层与向斜构造组合区应力值大于断层与背斜构造组合区,且断褶构造组合造成地应力方向分布紊乱。

  • Abstract

    To investigate the distribution pattern and influencing factors of in-situ stress for deep levels in the Shoushan No.1 Mine, according to the measured in-situ stress data of the mine, the tectonophysics and rock mechanics and numerical simulation methods were applied to study the type, magnitude and direction distribution pattern of in-situ stress. The distribution characteristics of in-situ stress field was simulated. The effect of buried depth, lithology and geological structure on the in-situ stress distribution was analyzed. The main factor of in-situ stress distribution was determined. The research shows that the in-situ stress values obtained by the multiple regression analysis of inversion method are consistent with the measured values. The relative error is less than 20% and the results are reliable. The coal and rock mass of mine is in a state of three-dimensional compressive stress. The principal stresses relation of coal seam is SH > SV > Sh. The in-situ stress increases firstly, then decreases and finally increases from the north to the south of the mine. The magnitude of in-situ stress is 28−44 MPa and belongs to the high stress level. The in-situ stress direction is NEE. The buried depth controls the magnitude and type distribution of the in-situ stress. With the increase of buried depth, the principal stress is increasing and the stress field type has the changing tendency from the dynamic stress field to quasi-hydrostatic pressure field. The lithology has a closely relationship with the in-situ stress. From mudstone to sandstone or limestone, the in-situ stress is increasing. The larger the elasticity module is, the higher the in-situ stress is. The difference of stratum lithology causes the discrete distribution of in-situ stress and the deflection angle of in-situ stress direction is less than 10°. The relation between the in-situ stress and the buried depth and the elasticity modulus is expressed as σH=0.0350H+0.4681E−8.5513 in the mine. The geological structure is the main controlling factor of in-situ stress in the mine. The fold shape controls the horizontal stress distribution of the in-situ stress. The in-situ stress of the syncline inner arc is more than that of the anticline inner arc. With the increase of the fold crook degree, the in-situ stress of inner arc increases gradually, and its stress gradient increases gradually. The in-situ stress of fault zone is decreasing and the in-situ stress of the fault pinch-out side is greater. The in-situ stress direction deflects along the fault strike. The larger the angle between maximum horizontal principal stress and the fault strike is, the greater deflection angle of maximum horizontal principal stress direction is. The in-situ stress of the tectonic association zone of fault and syncline is more than that of the tectonic association of fault and anticline. The tectonic association causes the undirectional distribution of the in-situ stress direction.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    in-situ stress measurement;stress relief method;tectonophysics;Shoushan No.1 Coal Mine

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    郭德勇,揣筱升,张铁岗,等. 首山一矿深部地应力分布规律及影响因素[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(5):2360−2375.
  • Citation
    GUO Deyong,CHUAI Xiaosheng,ZHANG Tiegang,et al. Distribution pattern and influencing factors of in-situ stress for deep levels in Shoushan No.1 Coal Mine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(5):2360−2375.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 首山一矿构造纲要及地应力测点布置

    图(14) / 表(7)


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