• 全部
  • Title

    Theory and technical system of coal ecological open-pit mining and its application

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Quansheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining
    National Energy Investment Group Co.
  • 摘要

    煤炭大规模露天开采会引起土地挖损与压占、地下水疏干、水土流失、植被破坏、大气污染、区域景观破损等生态问题。针对现有露天煤矿生态修复技术较为单一,缺乏从开采源头减损和生态全要素系统性修复技术的难题,提出了“减损开采与生态系统修复”的理念,阐述了露天煤矿生态型开采的内涵与特征,提出了露天煤矿生态型开采关键科学问题和基础理论框架,研发了“采前生态化设计−采中减损开采−生态系统修复”的全生命周期生态减损开采和生态全要素(水、土、大气、植被、景观)系统修复技术,创建了露天煤矿生态型开采理论与技术体系,形成了可推广可复制的露天矿生态型开采模式。研究成果应用表明,半干旱区胜利露天矿生态型开采示范区减少土地挖损和压占面积60 003 m2/a,排土场生态修复期提前1 a以上,植被覆盖率较本底值提高41.78%,地面水库(蓄水量40万m3)实现了矿井水的分季节、分级分质利用;酷寒区宝日希勒露天矿生态型开采示范区减少土地挖损和压占面积106 672 m2/a,新生物种从14种增加到21种,土壤含水率提升10%,土壤年侵蚀率降低59.6%,植被覆盖率较本底值提高37.96%,露天煤矿地下水库(储水容量122万m3)实现了矿坑水“冬储夏用”,取得了显著的生态修复效果。

  • Abstract

    Large-scale open-pit coal mining will cause ecological problems such as land excavation and occupation, groundwater drainage, soil erosion, vegetation destruction, air pollution, and regional landscape damage. The selection of existing open-pit coal mine ecological restoration technologies is relatively limited, and there is a lack of systematic research on ecological total factors. In this paper, the concept of “damage reduction mining and systematic restoration” was proposed, and the connotation and technical approach of ecological mining of open-pit coal mine were expounded. The key scientific issues and basic theoretical framework of ecological mining of open-pit coal were proposed. Then the whole life cycle ecological impairment mining technology and the coordination system restoration technology of ecological elements (water, soil, vegetation, landscape) of “pre-harvest ecological design-mining during mining loss-postharvest ecological restoration”were developed. At last, the theory and technical system of open-pit coal mine ecological mining was established, and a generalizable and replicable open-pit mine ecological mining mode was formed. The results show that in the semi-arid area, the ecological restoration technology has significant effects. The area of land excavation and occupation loss is reduced by 60003 m2 every year, the ecological restoration period of the dump site is advanced by more than one year, and the vegetation coverage rate increases by 41.78% compared with the background value in the semi-arid area of the Shengli open-pit mine demonstration area. A surface reservoir with a water storage capacity of 400 000 cubic meters has been built, and the seasonal and graded utilization of mine water has been realized. In the extremely cold area of Baorixiler, the area occupied by land excavation is reduced by 106 672 m2 per year, the number of new species has increased from 14 to 21, the soil moisture content has increased by 10%, the annual soil erosion rate has decreased by 59.6%, and the vegetation coverage rate has increased by 37.96% compared with the background value in the demonstration area of the Baorixiler open-pit mine. An open-pit coal mine underground reservoir with a water storage capacity of 1.22 million square meters has been built, realizing the “winter storage and summer use” of mine water.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    open-pit coal mine;ecological mining;damage reduction mining;systematic restoration;full life cycle

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李全生. 煤炭生态型露天开采理论与技术体系及其应用[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(5):2426−2444.
  • Citation
    LI Quansheng. Theory and technical system of coal ecological open-pit mining and its application[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(5):2426−2444.
  • 图表
    • 露天煤矿生态型开采理论与技术体系

    图(22) / 表(0)


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