Experimental study on the influence of stress disturbance path on the mechanical properties of coal specimens
LIU Chengyong;WANG Hanqiu;LIU Zhicheng;WU Jifei;ZHAO Mengye;ZHANG Xinfu;LIU Xuefeng;ZHANG Jinpeng
中煤能源研究院有限责任公司山东能源鲁西矿业 郭屯煤矿山东农业大学 水利土木工程学院山东科技大学 资源学院
During pumped energy storage using abandoned mines, coal pillars are not only affected by monotonic loads, but also suffer from frequent stress disturbances. The strength and deformation characteristics as well as the failure mode of the coal specimens under the influence of monotonic loading (stress path 1), multilevel constant-amplitude cyclic loading (stress path 2) and multilevel increasing cyclic loading (stress path 3) were studied using the coal samples from Hepan Coal Mine, Shaanxi Province, as the research object. The test results showed that the stress-strain curves of the coal specimens under cyclic loading formed obvious hysteresis loops, and the area of hysteresis loops increased significantly with the rise of stress level; compared with the axial strain, the circumstantial strain was more sensitive to the stress path; the peak strength and peak axial strain of the coal samples were the largest under monotonic loading, and the peak strength and axial strain of the specimens decreased by 22.12% and 18.35% (path 2) and 5.30% and 10.34% (path 3) under multi-level cyclic loading, respectively; the tangent modulus of the specimens under stress path 2 was significantly higher than the other stress paths; the stress paths had not changed the macroscopic failure mode of the coal specimens, but the cyclic loading caused the number and size of cracks on the specimen’s surface to become larger.
mechanical properties of coal and rock;monotonic loading;stress disturbance;deformation characteristics;failure mode of coal and rock
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会