• 全部
  • Title

    A Study on The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Bin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    The Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In 1912, the first Chinese engineers' group, the Chinese Institute of Engineers was established, and Jeme Tien Yow became its first president. In order to fullfill its purpose of "exchanging wisdom and instilling scholarship", The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers started its publication the next year. As the only Chinese engineers group and due to Jeme Tien Yow's high reputation, the Chinese Institute of Engineers developed quickly during its early period, and The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers did a good job. The changes in its layout and columns respectively reflected the characteristics of the transition from the old society to the new and its efforts to get close to its academic purpose. It recorded the internal and external environmental conditions and the rise and fall of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. When it comes to engineering science, the Journal introduced the definition of engineering science, discussed the translation and determination of scientific terms, recommended some new technologies (such as concrete sleepers and electrified railways), and described or examined the engineering undertakings at home and abroad. In this way, The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers made certain contributions to engineering research and popular science communication. However, problems long existed such as lack of article sources, low academic level and lack of financial support. In 1923, the Chinese Engineering Society which was founded in America in 1918 returned to China, and replaced the leadership of the Chinese Institute of Engineers just after several years. The two groups merged to become a new corporation in 1931. Engineering, the periodical of the former Society continued its publication as the periodical of the new corporation, while The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers terminated its publication in 1930 with the decline of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. Between 1913 and 1930, The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers published 17 volumes and 204 numbers. As a primary source to record the development of modern engineering in China, it has important historical value for the study of history of modern engineering and the history of science and technology in China.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers;the Chinese Institute of Engineers;Jeme Tien Yow

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    Wang B. A Study on The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2024, 16(3): 263-277.
  • 相关文章

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