Melting characteristics of Zhundong iron-rich coal withdifferent densities components
CHEN Lijuan;WANG Shihai;WEI Bo;LIU Xiaotian;LIU Kunpeng;WANG Jianjiang;LI Xian;CHENG Zening
Melting characteristics of different densities of Zhundong high-iron coal were studied and the uneven melting law of Zhundonghigh-iron coal was explored. The organic heavy liquid floatation sedimentation method was used to separate components of different densities from Zhundong high-iron coal. The mineral composition of each coal sample after low-temperature ashing, as well as the chemicalcomposition and melting temperature of coal ash were measured. The ash structure, element distribution and mineral composition were alsoanalyzed using XRD and SEM-EDS. The results show that Zhundong high-iron coal and its density components mainly distributes between1.4-1.5 g/ cm3,accounting for 51.79%, and the occurrence forms of iron in coal are mainly pyrite and a small amount of siderite. Thechange of elements in the coal ash leads to the change of the density of the separated components. With the increase of the elemental content of Fe, the density of the coal sample components increases, and in the prepared coal ash. With the density component exceeding1.5 g/ cm3, the elemental content of Fe reaches 67.50%. The ash composition of each density component varies greatly and Fe in the coalis one of the main factors affecting the melting point, which can significantly reduce the melting temperature of the overall coal ash. Combining XRD and SEM-EDS analysis of high-temperature ash samples, the increase of Gehlenite content in different density components isthe reason for the increase of ash melting point. Fe and Mg are mainly enriched in block shaped ash particles with clear contours, while Siand Ca are mainly enriched in the melting zone, and the content of block shaped particles increases with increasing density. It is speculated that the minerals of block shaped ash particles are mainly magnesium iron oxides and Hematite, and the minerals in the melting zoneare mainly Gehlenite. At 1 300 ℃ , the melting zone of coal ash does not melt together with the massive particles, indicating that Fe inhigh iron coal mainly exists in foreign minerals in the coal. Sodium containing minerals will undergo low-temperature co melting reactionswith Gehlenite, reducing the melting temperature of the melting zone.
Zhundong high-iron coal;ash melting characteristics;uneven melting;ash fusion temperatures
0 引言
1 试验
1.1 煤样
1.2 煤样的浮沉分离
1.3 煤样及煤灰性质分析
2 结果与讨论
2.1 准东高铁煤密度分布
2.2 准东高铁煤矿物组成和化学组成
2.3 准东高铁煤不同密度组分灰熔融温度
2.4 准东高铁煤不同密度组分灰熔融微观形貌
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会