Research on distribution and dynamic evolution characteristics of surface fractures in shallow coal seam mining of Shendong Mining Area
YANG Yingbing;WANG Qingxiang;SONG Xiaolin;HE Chengmao;XU Ran;TANG Mingyun;WANG Guangxiong;HE Bingbing;CHEN Minghao
中国神华能源股份有限公司 神东煤炭分公司国家能源集团矿井通风安全与职业健康防护研究中心中国矿业大学中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司安徽理工大学
神东矿区浅埋煤层群开采导致地表裂隙发育良好,立体漏风复杂。为研究神东矿区地表裂隙分布特征及动态演化规律,以大柳塔煤矿活鸡兔井和补连塔煤矿浅埋藏开采为工程背景,采用现场无人机定点观测、红外、地质雷达等技术相结合的方法,研究地表宏观裂隙、隐蔽裂隙分布特征,并对裂隙动态演化规律进行分析。结果表明:神东矿区浅埋煤层开采工作面采空区对地表走向裂隙的影响相比于倾向裂隙较大,其中活鸡兔井12下206工作面101条裂隙有效影响范围35 m,补连塔煤矿22310工作面122条裂隙为62 m,走向裂隙最大裂隙宽度达到80 cm,倾向裂隙普遍在10 cm以下;随工作面的推进,裂隙宽度逐渐变大,直至发育完全,裂缝位置不连续断面间距变大,落差增大;宽度较大的裂隙(裂隙宽度大于10 cm),如果距离工作面较近,随着工作面的推进,裂隙宽度会逐渐缩小,甚至可能闭合。
The mining of shallow coal seams in Shendong Mining Area has resulted in well-developed surface fractures and complex three-dimensional air leakage. In order to study the distribution characteristics and dynamic evolution laws of surface fractures in Shendong Mining Area, take the shallow burial mining of Huojitu Well in Daliuta Coal Mine and Bulianta Coal Mine as the engineering background, a combination of on-site UAV fixed-point observation, infrared, geological radar and other technologies was used to study the distribution characteristics of macroscopic and hidden fractures on the surface, and to analyze the dynamic evolution laws of fractures. Research has shown that the goaf of the shallow coal seam mining face in Shendong Mining Area has a greater impact on surface strike fractures compared to inclined fractures. Among them, the effective influence range of 101 fissures in 12 lower 206 working face in Huojitu Well is 35 m, and 122 fissures in 22310 working face of Bulianta Coal Mine is 62 m. The maximum width of strike fissures is 80 cm, and dip fissures are generally less than 10 cm. The maximum width of strike fractures reaches 80 cm, and inclined fractures are generally below 10 cm; with the advance of the working surface, the width of the crack increases gradually until it is fully developed, and the spacing of the discontinuous section of the crack becomes larger and the drop increases. If the crack with a larger width (the crack width is greater than 10 cm) is close to the working face, the crack width will gradually shrink with the advance of the working face, and may even be closed.
shallow buried coal seam group;surface fissure;air leakage;crack width;dynamic evolution
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会