Distributions of products from the pyrolysis of tar-rich coals for tar extraction in northern Shaanxi Province, China
YU Zunyi;GUO Wei;YANG Panxi;GAO Kun;YANG Fu;MA Li;WANG Jing;LI Hongqiang;YANG Bolun;WU Zhiqiang
西安交通大学 化学工程与技术学院陕西省能源化工过程强化重点实验室自然资源部煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室陕西省煤田地质集团有限公司西安交通大学 电气工程学院
结果显示:慢速热解过程中,焦油产率在N2气氛下随温度升高呈先升后降趋势,在550 ℃时最高为10.50%;轻质焦油产率不断增加,在600 ℃时达到60.67%。相比N2气氛,CO2气氛下,焦油产率和气体产率均有所升高,轻质焦油产率进一步提高,最高达63.67%,焦油中芳香烃和含氧化合物含量也有所升高。相比于慢速热解,富油煤在两种气体热载体条件下快速热解所得焦油产率均有所升高,600 ℃时CO2气氛下最高(11.71%),焦油中酚油、蒽油等含量增加,轻质焦油产率下降,焦油中酚类、脂肪烃、含氧化合物含量有所增加,热解气中H2和CH4浓度有所降低。基于响应面分析得到三因素对焦油产率和轻质焦油产率影响的显著性顺序均为:热解温度>气体热载体类型>升温类型。以最大焦油产率和最大轻质焦油产率为目标,利用回归模型优化得到最优热解工艺分别为:快速热解、CO2气氛、595 ℃和慢速热解、CO2气氛、558 ℃,最优预测值分别为11.72%和60.75%。经过实验验证确定最优条件下的焦油产率和轻质焦油产率分别为:11.94%和60.67%,优化结果与实验验证结果基本一致。
Tar-rich coals stand as a special type of coal resource that integrates coal, oil, and gas properties. These coals, boasting abundant hydrogen-rich structures such as side chains and bridge bonds with aliphatic structures, are prone to crack and produce tar and gas during pyrolysis. These establish tar-rich coals as ideal raw materials that produce oil and gas through thermal conversion. Presently, the research into tar extraction from tar-rich coals through pyrolysis remains in its initial stage, and exploring the impacts of technological conditions, including heat carrier, heating type, and pyrolysis temperature, on the pyrolysis process holds critical significance for optimizing the pyrolysis for oil and gas extraction.
Focusing on the tar-rich coals from the Shenmu mining area in northern Shaanxi Province, this study delved into the production characteristics of oil and gas from the pyrolysis of tar-rich coals under gaseous heat carriers CO2 and N2. Using the response surface methodology, this study constructed regression models to explore the impacts of several critical factors on both tar yield and light tar yield obtained from the pyrolysis of tar-rich coals. Using these regression models, this study investigated the impacts of the interactions among the heating type, gaseous heat carrier type, and pyrolysis temperature on the tar yield and light tar yield, along with the optimal reaction conditions for the maximum yields.
The results of this study are as follows: (1) In the case of slow pyrolysis, under the N2 atmosphere, the tar yield increased first and then decreased as the temperature rose, reaching a maximum of 10.50% at 550 ℃, while the light tar yield kept increasing, reaching 60.67% at 600 ℃. In contrast, under the CO2 atmosphere, both the tar yield and the gas yield were elevated. Meanwhile, the light tar yield further increased under the CO2 atmosphere, reaching a maximum of 63.67%, with the contents of aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing compounds in the tar also increasing. (2) In the case of rapid pyrolysis, the tar yield obtained under both gaseous heat carriers rose, reaching a maximum of 11.71% at 600 ℃ under the CO2 atmosphere, with the carbolic and anthracene oil contents in the tar increasing. In contrast, the light tar yield decreased, with the contents of phenols, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and oxygen-containing compounds in the tar increasing. Additionally, the H2 and CH4 concentrations in the gas products decreased somewhat. (3) The response surface methodology reveals that the impacts of the three factors on both tar yield and light tar yield decrease in the order of pyrolysis temperature, gaseous heat carrier type, and heating type. The optimization using the regression models allows for the identification of two optimal pyrolysis processes for the maximum tar yield and light tar yield: rapid pyrolysis at 595 ℃ in the CO2 atmosphere and slow pyrolysis at 558 ℃ in the CO2 atmosphere, with the optimal tar yield and light tar yield predicted at 11.72% and 60.75%, respectively. Experimental verification indicates that the tar yield and light tar yield under the optimal conditions were 11.94% and 60.67%, respectively, roughly aligning with the predicted results.
tar-rich coal;gaseous heat carrier type;heating type;tar extraction through pyrolysis;response surface methodology
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会