• 全部
  • Title

    Deformation characteristics and control technology of surrounding rocks of coal and mudstone roadways in deep and syncline zone

  • 作者


  • Author


  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shanxi Fenxi Shuiyu Coal Industry Co. , Ltd.
    School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou
    Shanxi Coking Coal Fenxi Mining Industry
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Aiming at solving the problem of controlling surrounding rocks in coal and mudstone roadways of deep and syncline zone, the district transportation roadway in Shuiyu Coal Mine was taken as the research object. Based on field investigation, numerical simulation, and theoretical analysis methods, the coal and mudstone wall rock displacement and stress distribution in deep roadways were analyzed. The main structure and principle of the inner and outer bearing structure applicable to wall rocks in deep coal and mudstone roadways were studied. A constrained concrete support and a surrounding rock coupling model were established, and the displacement and plastic zone distribution characteristics of the surrounding rocks in deep coal and mudstone roadways under the effect of inner and outer bearing force were analyzed. The industrial tests were taken on site, resulting in a good practice, which provide a certain reference for the stability control of surrounding rocks in similar roadways.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal and mudstone roadway;syncline zone;deep mine;internal and external bearing structures;surrounding rock control

  • DOI
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