• 全部
  • Title

    Study on hydrophobic adsorption of VOCs by alkali-treatedhierarchical titanium silicalite zeolites

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Yuanyuan;YU Qingjun;YI Honghong;ZHAO Shunzheng;GAO Fengyu;WU Wenjing;MENG Fengshi;TANG Xiaolong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science andTechnology Beijing
    Beijing Key Laboratory ofResource-oriented Treatment of Industrial Pollutants
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    China′s energy structure will likely remain dominated by coal combustion for a period oftime. Titanium silicalite zeolites (TS-1) with MFI topology were adopted for adsorption and reductionof VOCs in coal -fired flue gas treatment in this work. We treated the zeolites with alkali solutions( NaOH, NH OH, TPAOH ) of different strength and properties to construct a differentiatedhierarchical pore structure. The relative content of Si—OH groups (including isolated Si—OH groupson the outer surface and hydroxyl nests at internal defect sites) was also regulated in order to improveVOCs hydrophobic adsorption capacity. The changes of zeolitic framework structure, internal defectsand other relevant properties were investigated using XRD, BET, UV-vis, IR, SEM and TEM. The re⁃sults showed that the NaOH solution treatment significantly etched the framework, leading to a decreasein ordered pores and increase in defects, which resulted in a sharp decrease in adsorption capacity.NH OH solution could dredge the pores and remove amorphous silicon species, improving theadsorption performance of VOCs, but the hydrophobic ability decreases slightly. The dissolution-recrys⁃tallization effect in TPAOH treatment process led to the formation of numerous ordered zeolitic frame⁃works. The development of micropores was significantly improved, and the internal defects were re⁃paired, resulting in a significant improvement of hydrophobic adsorption performance of VOCs. The ad⁃sorption capacity of VOCs was increased by 50%, and the static water adsorption capacity was reducedby 18%.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Coal-fired fumes;VOCs;Hydrophobic adsorption;Titanium silicalite zeolites;Alkali-treated

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Yuanyuan, YU Qingjun, YI Honghong, et al. Study on hydrophobic adsorption of VOCs by alkali-treatedhierarchical titanium silicalite zeolites[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(4): 166-178.
  • 相关专题

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