• 全部
  • Title

    Study on the performance and mechanism of high-efficiency deepoxidation of butyl acetate over Pd/ CeO2

  • 作者


  • Author

    KONG Wenjing;LIN Jiajia;ZHONG Xueyun;XING Yun;LIU Peng;LI Zhenguo;FU Mingli

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology
    Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Environment and Pollution Control
    National Engineering Laboratory for Mobile Source Emission Control Technology, ChinaAutomotive Technology & Research Center Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In the field of new energy vehicles and related sectors, treating butyl acetate (BA), a typi⁃cal oxygen-containing volatile organic compound (VOC), is becoming increasingly important. The sur⁃face structure and physicochemical properties of a CeO-U catalyst were adjusted by introducing 0.5%Pd, and compared with AlO and TiO catalysts containing the same Pd loading. Characterizationsusing SEM, XPS, in-situ DRIFTS, and other methods were conducted to explore the synergistic effectof Pd and Ce active components on catalytic oxidation of BA. The results showed that the introduction ofPd increased CeO-U′s CO yield from 77.8% to 90.7% at 220 ℃, significantly promoting the deepoxidation process of BA and alleviating the issue of CO selectivity delay. The introduction of Pd en⁃hanced the mobility and reactivity of lattice oxygen in CeO, increased the proportion of surface Ce,and boosted surface oxygen vacancy concentration. Additionally, the catalytic oxidation mechanism ofBA over Pd / CeO-U was confirmed through in-situ DRIFTS analysis, indicating that the L-H mecha⁃nism was followed at low temperatures (T<200 ℃), while the MvK reaction mechanism occurred fol⁃lowed at high temperatures (T>200 ℃). It was found that the decomposition of intermediate carbox⁃ylate served as the rate-controlling step. These findings have implications for controlling BA in the fieldof related sectors.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Butyl acetate;Pd / CeO2;Catalytic oxidation;CO2 selectivity;Oxygen vacancy

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    KONG Wenjing, LIN Jiajia, ZHONG Xueyun, et al. Study on the performance and mechanism of high-efficiencydeep oxidation of butyl acetate over Pd/ CeO2[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(4): 198-208.
  • 相关专题

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