• 论文
  • Title

    Study and application of the characteristic flotation process at Qinxin Coal Preparation Plant

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Zhihong;WU Xiaogang;LI Jiangang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shanxi Qinxin Energy (Group) Co. Ltd.
  • 摘要

    概述了近年来部分选煤厂煤泥浮选工艺流程的改进优化情况,详细介绍了沁新选煤厂浮选流程演进优化历程,历经一次浮选、一粗一精、一粗一扫等浮选工艺,直至形成适合沁新选煤厂易浮煤泥特性的一粗一扫+扫选精矿分段回收的现行浮选流程。生产实践表明:该浮选流程大幅节省了循环水用量;入选低硫煤时,浮选精煤灰分为7.21%,最终尾煤灰分从74.09%提高到82.51%;入选高硫煤时,浮选精煤灰分为6.78%,最终尾煤灰分从57.93%提高到82.37%;通过扫选获得了发热量为19.25 MJ/kg的浮选中煤产品,日增中煤产量约200 t;通过化验扫选精矿分室的产品灰分,第一室产品灰分为16.18%,低于重选边界灰分,可掺入总精煤,日增精煤产量约120 t。该浮选流程具有特色,已在沁新集团下属选煤厂推广应用,取得了良好效果,为易浮煤泥高效浮选和高值利用开辟了新工艺。

  • Abstract

    Following a brief account of the work made by some plants on improvement and optimization of flotation process over the recent years, the paper presents a detailed introduction to the course of the development in this respect at Qinxin Coal Preparation Plant. The improvement of the flotation process has gone through several stages starting from one flotation process to one roughing + one cleaning process, one roughing + one scavenging process to finally the process of one roughing + one scavenging plus staged recovery of concentrate through scavenging of tailing which is in current use at Qinxin Plant — a process that is suited to the property of the easily floatable coal treated by the plant. Field application shows that a significant reduction of circulating water can be expected; for treating low-sulfur coal, the ash of concentrate can be lowered to 7.21% while the ash of tailing can be increased from 74.09% to 82.51%, and for treating high-sulfur coal, the ash of concentrate can be further reduced to 6.78% and the ash of final tailing product can be increased from 57.93% to 82.37%; and though scavenging of tailing, a middling product with a calorific value of 19.25 MJ/kg can be obtained, adding a daily output of middling product of 200 tons. Through analysis of the concentrate products of different cells obtained through scavenging process, the ash of the concentrate product of the fist cell is 16.18% which is lower than the boundary ash value of the gravity separated product, making it possible for the concentrate product to blend with the final clean coal product to increase the daily output of clean coal product by 120 tons. The operation of the characteristic flotation process currently applied at Qinxin Plant has yield a good result, providing a new approach for high-efficiency flotation and high-value utilization of easy-to-float fine coal.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    flotation;flotation process;scavenging of tailing;staged recovery of concentrate through scavenging of tailing

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王志宏,武晓岗,李健刚. 沁新选煤厂特色浮选工艺流程的研究与应用[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(4):83−88. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.04.012
  • Citation
    WANG Zhihong, WU Xiaogang, LI Jiangang. Study and application of the characteristic flotation process at Qinxin Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(4):83−88. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.04.012
  • 图表
    • 选煤厂现用浮选设备流程

    图(1) / 表(6)


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