• 论文
  • Title

    Efficient recovery of phosphorus from phosphogypsum leachatebased on struvite precipitation

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Jingfeng;WU Xiang;FANG Haoyuan;MEI Ke;JIANG Shan;ZHU Shujing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Resources and Environment, Hubei University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Phosphogypsum leachate is a liquid produced during phosphogypsum stacking. It has thecharacteristics of high phosphorus content, low pH, high corrosivity, and high concentrations ofheavy metals. If it seeps into the ground over time, it will seriously pollute the groundwater and sur⁃face water and pose a significant threat to the surrounding basin environment and human health. Inthis study, a struvite precipitation method was proposed to recover phosphorus sources from phospho⁃gypsum and its leachate to prepare valuable percolate-based struvite crystal (PSL-S). The core ideais to improve the recovery rate of valuable components by converting the raw mineral phase of phos⁃phorus in the leachate, which enables the production of struvite using industrial solid waste instead ofpure reagents, thereby solving two issues: the high price of struvite prepared by pure reagents and thesubstantial waste of valuable components in phosphogypsum leachate. The study involved three varia⁃bles: Mg / P molar ratio, N / P molar ratio, and pH. Two indicators, namely, the phosphorus recoveryrate in leachate and the purity of struvite from PSL-S, were selected. Through a combination of single-factor influence experiments and optimization orthogonal experiments, combined with phase analysis,the optimal conditions for the preparation of PSL-S were obtained, specifically, when the N/ P molarratio was 5 ∶ 1, the Mg / P molar ratio was 1.6 ∶ 1, and the pH value was 9.5, with a phosphate recov⁃ery rate of 87.73% and a PSL-S preparation purity of 78.24%. The successful preparation of PSL-Senables the efficient resource utilization of phosphogypsum leachate, greatly reduces the productioncost of struvite, and provides technical support for the resource utilization of phosphorus chemicalwaste.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Struvite precipitation method;Phosphogypsum leachate;Struvite;Optimized orthogonalexperiment;Resource utilization of solid waste

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    MA Jingfeng, WU Xiang, FANG Haoyuan, et al. Efficient recovery of phosphorus from phosphogypsum leachatebased on struvite precipitation[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(5): 175-184.
  • 相关专题

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