• 全部
  • Title

    Application and Discussion of Return Air Residual Heat Utilization Technology in Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Liu Mingyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Ningxia Coal Mine Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The anti-freezing system in the 13/14 mining area wellbore of Yangchangwan Coal Mine uses two 10 t coal-fired boilers as heating supply heat sources. According to environmental protection policies, the boilers will be dismantled. In view of the situation that the wellbore anti freezing system of the mine will have no heating supply heat sources, which affects the safety production of the mine, considering the high temperature and humidity of the return air in this mine, which contains a large amount of residual heat resources, it can replace the original coal-fired boiler as the anti freezing heating supply heat source for the wellbore. By using the residual heat utilization technology of the mine return air, after directly extracting the residual heat in the mine return air, the fresh air that entering mine is heated, ensuring that the entering mine air temperature is not less than 2 ℃ . After applicating the mine return air residual heat utilization technology in this mine, there has no ice formation situation occurs in the air inlet wellbore during the heating season, meeting the needs of anti freezing at the wellhead, improving the energy and resource utilization efficiency of the enterprise, and promoting the enterprise to embark on a green, low-carbon, and sustainable development path.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine return air;residual heat utilization;coal-fired boiler;energy saving and emission reduction

  • DOI

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