• 论文
  • Title

    Co-combustion characteristics of sludge and coal in fluidized beds

  • 作者


  • Author

    GAO Yuan;WANG Weiqun;HUANG Zhijun;DUAN Yuanqiang;DUAN Lunbo

  • 单位

    江苏方天电力技术有限公司能源热转换及其过程测控教育部重点实验室 能源与环境学院 东南大学

  • Organization
    Jiangsu Frontier Electric Technology Co., Ltd.
    Key Laboratory of Energy Thermal Conversion and Control under Ministry of Education, School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Co-combustion of sludge with coal can effectively improve the ignition and combustion characteristics and promote the harmless and resourceful utilization of sludge. Inorganic or organic chlorine can be introduced into municipal sewage during the disinfection and dehydration. The increased chlorine content in municipal sludge may adversely affect boiler heat exchange surfaces and environmental protection equipment. The influence of operating parameters on ignition, Cl element release, particle size, and element distribution of fly ash was investigated using a thermogravimetric-Fourier Transform Infrared Analyzer and a laboratory-scale bubbling fluidized bed. The results show that the volatile content in the sludge is high, and there are three weight loss peaks in its derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) curves, and the maximum weight loss peak appears in the volatile release and combustion stage. As the sludge blending ratio increases, the ignition and burnout temperatures of the fuel gradually decrease. The emission concentrations of CO, NO and SO2 increase as the sludge blending ratio increases. The higher volatile content in the sludge promotes the production of CO, while weakening the reducing atmosphere in the dense phase, which is not conducive to the reduction of NO. During the combustion process, both thermo-gravimetric and fluidized bed experiments show that more than 85% of the chlorine elements in the fuel are released in form of HCl, and the self-trapping effect of ash on HCl is weak, and most of the Cl elements in the fuel eventually are emitted in the form of gaseous HCl. The average particle size of fly ash gradually decreases as the sludge blending ratio increases, indicating that sludge ash breaks into finer particles at high temperatures. As the sludge blending ratio increases, the contents of K, P, and Fe elements in fly ash increase significantly, with P showing the most notable increase.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    sludge;co-combustion;pollutant;HCl release characteristic;fluidized bed

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    高远,王卫群,黄治军,等. 污泥与煤流化床混燃特性[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(10):4184−4191. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.LC24.0589
  • Citation
    GAO Yuan,WANG Weiqun,HUANG Zhijun,et al. Co-combustion characteristics of sludge and coal in fluidized beds[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(10):4184−4191. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.LC24.0589
  • 相关文章
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  • 图表
    • 流化床燃烧试验台架系统

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