• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on effect of hydrothermal treatment dewatering of lignite on downstream applications

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Shucheng;ZHU Keli;ZHAO Liang;ZHANG Jun;LIU FuguiTONG Meng;ZHOU Qiang;ZENG Ming;WANG Yonggang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mining, Liaoning Technical University
    Inner Mongolia Lantian Training Company Litimited
    School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, College of Science and Technology Ningbo University
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Lignite has become an important energy security in the northeast and eastern Inner Mongolia region of China, but high moisture, high oxygen content and low calorific value limit its efficient and clean utilization. Hydrothermal treatment dewatering (HTD) is a typical non-evaporative dewatering technology prompting the downstream utilization of lignite, which needs to continue summarizing and understanding its research progress. The progress and mecha- nism on the influences of HTD on the downstream application of lignite, such as pyrolysis, flota- tion, combustion and preparation of coal water slurry, were systematically summarized. HTD not only increases the concentration of coal water slurry, and the yield of oil and gas in the process of pyrolysis, but also improves the flotation efficiency, and meanwhile enhances the long- term stable operation of coal liquefaction. However, the application of HTD technology for lig- nite is subject to the problem of the in sufficient of inner motivation, the in sufficient research and development of continuous equipment, environmental pollution and low profit margin in the market, which hinders the technological progress in industrialization and semi-industrialization application. HTD of lignite still has an important historical mission for the “dual carbon” goal in the new historical period. This requires the state to provide top-level design for the lignite upgra- ding industry, guiding research institutions, researchers and enterprises to change their mindset of being afraid to talk about lignite upgrading. At the same time, it needs to continuously invest the research and development on the equipment continuity and organic wastewater treatment. Based on the above viewpoints, the development direction of poly-generation technology based on lignite upgrading is proposed, such as HTD + preparation of coal water slurry + water coal slurry gasification and HTD + pyrolysis + entrained flow gasification, which provides the refer- ence for the clean and efficient utilization of lignite in China.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lignite;hydrothermal treatment dewatering;drying;physicochemical struc-ture;downstream application

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    柳树成,朱柯历,赵 亮,等.水热改性对褐煤下游应用影响的研究进展[J].煤炭转化,2024,47(6):102-113
  • Citation
    LIU Shucheng,ZHU Keli,ZHAO Liang,et al.Research progress on effects of hydrothermal treatment dewatering of lignite on down-stream applications[J].Coal Conversion,2024,47(6):102-113
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