• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study on preparation of mine-used filling cementitious material from multi-source coal-based solid wastes

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Zhifei;WU Wei;BI Zhongwei;FU Xingyu;LANG Yeqing;HOU Qingli;JIA Xinguo

  • 单位

    煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司煤矿灾害防控全国重点实验室山西陵川崇安集团 苏村煤矿

  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Prevention and Control
    Sucun Coal Mine of Lingchuan Chong’an Group
  • 摘要

    为了降低煤矿充填开采成本,实现多源煤基固废协同利用,以粉煤灰、气化炉渣、脱硫石膏等固体废弃物为主要原料,制备充填专用胶凝材料;通过正交试验,确定胶凝材料中各组分最佳配比,并采用Tessier五步法,对胶凝材料的重金属元素赋存及溶出特征开展研究。结果表明:胶凝材料的最佳配比为,粉煤灰质量分数39.1%,炉底灰质量分数23.4%,气化炉渣质量分数15.6%,水泥熟料质量分数10.9%,脱硫石膏质量分数4.7%,生石灰质量分数6.3%;胶凝材料养护7 d,水化产物主要以针状存在,通过团絮状、丝状产物相联结;养护龄期到达28 d,水化产物间主要以团状或块状物质形式存在,水化产物黏结得较紧密,7 d 和 28 d 胶凝材料净浆强度分别达到 1.83、2.44 MPa;采用粉煤灰等固废制备的充填胶凝材料可以有效固化重金属,对采空区地下环境无重金属污染危险。

  • Abstract

    In order to reduce the cost of coal mine filling and mining, and achieve the synergistic utilization of multi-source coal based solid waste, special filling cementitious material is prepared using solid waste such as fly ash, gasification slag, and desulfurization gypsum as the main raw materials. By conducting orthogonal test, the optimal ratio of each component in the cementitious material was determined, and the Tesser five-step method was used to study the occurrence and leaching characteristics of heavy metal elements in the cementitious material. The results show that the optimal ratio of cementitious material, fly ash∶furnace bottom ash∶gasification slag∶cement clinker∶desulfurization gypsum∶quicklime, is 39.1%∶23.4%∶15.6%∶10.9%∶4.7%∶6.3%; after curing for 7 days, the hydration products mainly exist in the form of needles and are connected by flocculent and filamentous products; the curing age reaches 28 days, and the hydration products mainly exist in the form of clumps or blocks. The hydration products bind tightly, and the net slurry strength of the cementitious material reaches 1.83 MPa and 2.44 MPa at 7 and 28 days, respectively. The filling cementitious material prepared from solid waste such as fly ash can effectively solidify heavy metals and has no risk of heavy metal pollution to the underground environment.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    cementitious material;coal-based solid waste;filling mining;heavy metal element;orthogonal test

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 不同质量分数水泥熟料对煤基固废激发效果

    图(7) / 表(3)


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