Study on clustering analysis of microseism attributes and evolution of water conducting fractures in mining under pressure
Yang Bo;
Aiming at the problem of floor water disaster threat in mining face under pressure, microseism monitoring method was adopted. According to the real-time data in the mining process, the typical microseism data volume was monitored and formed, and the attribute hierarchical clustering was carried out to obtain the relationship between each attribute parameter and event type. Based on this, the source type of chaotic distribution microseism events obtained by conventional monitoring was determined, and the integrated imaging of water movement events was realized. Based on TRIZ theory, the spatial and temporal analysis was carried out to obtain the development trend and location of water conducting fractures, which provided technical support for forewarning of water outburst risk.
microseism monitoring;cluster analysis;stress drop;source radius;water disaster forewarning;mining under pressure
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会