• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress in methane combustion catalyzed by perovskite catalysts

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Tao;WANG Meidan;YUAN Bo;ZHANG Xueli;ZHANG Xinyue;HUANG Yuhuan;LI Chen;XU Xudong;SUN Qian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing
    State Key LaboratoryCultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control (Henan Polytechnic University)
    Shanxi Gemeng SinoUS Clean Energy R & D Center Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Coal mine ventilation air methane is the associated gas of coal mine,and the main component is methane. A large amount ofcoal mine ventilation air methane released into the atmosphere has caused ecological problems such as global warming. Therefore,theemission reduction of the ventilation air methane is crucial to achieving the “ Double Carbon” target. Catalytic combustion is apromising method for emission reduction of methane,the key lies in the development of low cost and high catalytic activity catalysts. Inrecent years,perovskite oxides have attracted great attention in the field of methane catalytic combustion due to the advantages of flexiblecomposition,special structure,low cost and regulation of catalytic performance. In the industrial application of perovskite catalyst for lowconcentration methane,there are problems such as low catalytic performance and sulfur poisoning,which hinder the further developmentof perovskite oxide catalytic methane combustion system. The regulative structure and synthesis method of perovskite catalyst wereintroduced,the mechanism of methane catalytic combustion on perovskite catalyst was summarized,the reason of perovskite inactivationcaused by the presence of sulfur was analyzed,and the design method of perovskite catalyst to improve catalytic activity and sulfurresistance was emphasized. It was found that by optimizing preparation conditions,element doping,acid solution treatment,andconstructing porous new perovskite,the number of surface active sites and oxygen vacancies of perovskite can be increased,meanwhile,the dispersion degree of active components on the catalyst surface can be increased,thus improving the catalytic activity. Finally,the futuredesign direction of methane combustion catalyzed by perovskite catalyst is prospected.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    methane catalytic combustion;perovskite;coal mine exhaust gas;catalytic activity;oxide;sulfide

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHU Tao,WANG Meidan,YUAN Bo,et al. Research progress in methane combustion catalyzed by perovskitecatalysts[J].Clean Coal Technology,2025,31(2):88−104.

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