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  • Title

    Production capacity prediction of U-shaped horizontal wells for in-situ pyrolysis of tar-rich coal: experimental and numerical simulation study

  • 作者


  • Author

    DONG Zhen;CHEN Yanpeng;ZHANG Mengyuan;WANG Xinggang;JIAO Lixin;FENG Shuo;REN Bo;CHEN Hao;XUE Junjie;ZHAO Yufeng;HUANG Diefang

  • 单位

    中国石油勘探开发研究院中国石油吐哈油田公司 勘探开发研究院新疆大学 地质与矿业工程学院安徽理工大学 力学与光电物理学院

  • Organization
    Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina
    PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company
    College of Geology and Mining Engineering, Xinjiang University
    School of Mechanics and Optoelectronic Physics
  • 摘要

    “双碳”目标下“取氢留碳”成为煤炭清洁利用的必然选择,煤炭原位热解为国内油气增产提供了新思路,科学预测富油煤原位热解产能对于项目经济性和能量回报率评估至关重要。目前针对中深层富油煤原位热解的研究较少,考虑真实围压条件的块煤热解试验尚未见到报道,为预测中深层富油煤原位热解产能、查明油气生产规律,提出基于中深层煤炭原位热解特点的水平井开发方式,开展了三塘湖盆地两套主力煤层的块煤覆压热解试验,建立了基于Boltsmann函数的八道湾组富油煤覆压热解产率评价模型和U型水平井产能预测方法,并对油气产能变化规律、能量回报率进行了讨论。结果表明:① 煤炭原位热解具有资源丰度高、气体产物清洁低碳、地质风险小等优势,U型、L型、多分支水平井可采用间歇或连续方式生产。② 八道湾组煤比西山窑组煤具有更高的焦油和煤气产率,焦油在400~500 ℃时产量达到峰值,围压具有降低热解产物传质能力的负面作用和提高传热效率的正向作用,温度低于400 ℃时负面作用占据主导,随着温度升高,正向作用逐渐占据主导。煤气在300~400 ℃时产量快速增大,400~600 ℃时产量增速减缓,600 ℃后产量快速降低,煤气中H2和CO随温度增加单调递增,CH4和CO2随温度先增后减,施加围压后更有利于八道湾组煤的煤气生产。③ 富油煤热解产物产率随温度增加呈现“缓慢增大—快速增大—趋于平稳”的S形变化规律,Boltsmann函数能够较好的拟合富油煤热解产物产率变化规律,直线形和三角形井网分别形成类矩形和类圆形的温度场,井间煤层达到有效热解温度(350 ℃)所需的水平井井距分别为4.5和5.5 m,三角形井网的加热效果优于直线形井网。④ 油气产能分为“初期低产、中期快速上产、后期稳产”三个阶段,按照煤的导热系数为1 W/(m·℃)预测,单口U型井生产5 a的焦油、CH4、H2产能有望达到1.56×104 t/a、260.21×104 m3/a和201.83×104 m3/a,能量回报率能达到2.09,热解水和焦油在热解产物中质量比最大、产能最先企稳,煤气中CH4和CO2质量比最高,CO2随生产年限先增后降,CO和H2随生产年限单调递增,加热后期的产能贡献主要来自于煤气中CO和H2。⑤ 等热值情况下,煤炭原位热解相比地面煤燃烧减碳97%,理想情况下热解产生的CO2能够通过半焦层吸附埋存以实现自身“碳中和”。总体来看,煤炭原位热解具备规模发展的资源基础、技术可行性以及良好的经济前景,是一项具有发展潜力的化石能源清洁低碳开发新技术。

  • Abstract

    Under the goal of “dual carbon”, “taking hydrogen and retaining carbon” has become an inevitable choice for the clean utilization of coal, and underground coal pyrolysis provides a new idea for increasing domestic tar and gas production. Scientific prediction of underground tar-rich coal pyrolysis capacity is critical for project economics and energy return assessment, but fewer studies have been conducted on the underground coal pyrolysis in mid to deep layers, and pyrolysis experiments on block coal considering real confining pressure conditions have not yet been reported. To predict underground tar-rich coal pyrolysis capacity and identify the laws of oil and gas production, this paper proposed a horizontal well development method suitable for underground coal pyrolysis in mid to deep layers based on the characteristics of underground coal pyrolysis. Block coal overburden pyrolysis experiments were conducted on two sets of main coal seams in the Santanghu Basin. The overlying pyrolysis yield evaluation model of tar-rich coal in Badaowan Formation based on Boltsmann function and the productivity prediction method of U-shaped horizontal well were established. The variation law of tar and coal gas production capacity and energy return rate were discussed. The results show that: ① Underground coal pyrolysis has the advantages of high resource abundance, clean and low-carbon gas products, and low geological risk. U-shaped, L-shaped and multi-branch horizontal Wells can be produced intermittently or continuously. ② The coal of Badaowan Formation has a higher tar and coal gas yield than that of Xishanyao Formation. Tar production reaches its peak at 400-500 ℃, confining pressure also has a negative effect on reducing the mass transfer capacity of pyrolysis products and a positive effect on improving heat transfer efficiency. When the temperature is lower than 400 ℃, the negative effect dominates, and the positive effect gradually dominates as the temperature rises. The coal gas production increases rapidly at 300-400 ℃, slows down at 400-600 ℃, and rapidly decreases after 600 ℃. H2 and CO in coal gas increase monotonously with increasing temperature. CH4 and CO2 increase first and then decrease with temperature, the effect of confining pressure on the two sets of coal is different, and the application of confining pressure is more beneficial to coal gas production of Badaowan Formation coal. ③ Tar-rich coal pyrolysis product yield shows an S-shaped variation pattern of "slow increase - rapid increase - tends to stabilize" with increasing temperature, the Boltsmann function can better fit the law of tar-rich coal pyrolysis product yield. The linear and triangular well patterns form rectangular and circular temperature fields, respectively. To reach the effective pyrolysis temperature (350 ℃) required for the coal seam between wells, the well spacing of horizontal wells is 4.5 and 5.5 meters respectively, which shows that the heating effect of triangular well pattern is better than that of linear well pattern. ④ Tar and coal gas productivity is divided into three stages: low production in the early stage, rapid production in the middle stage, and stable production in the late stage. According to 1 w·m−1·℃−1 coal thermal conductivity, the production capacity of tar, methane and hydrogen in a single U-type well for 5 years is expected to reach 1.56×104 t/a、260.21×104 m3/a and 201.83×104 m3/a, and the energy return rate can reach 2.09. The mass ratio of pyrolysis water and tar in pyrolysis products is the largest, and the production capacity is the first to stabilize. The mass proportion of CH4 and CO2 in coal gas is the highest, CO2 increases first and then decreases with production years, while CO and H2 increase monotonically with production years. The production capacity contribution in the later stage of heating is mainly from CO and H2 in the coal gas. ⑤ In the case of equal calorific value, underground coal pyrolysis reduces carbon emissions by 97% compared with surface coal combustion, ideally, and the CO2 produced can be absorbed and buried through the semi-coke layer to achieve carbon neutrality. Overall, underground coal pyrolysis has the resource base, technical feasibility and good economic prospect for scale development, which is a new technology for clean and low-carbon development of fossil energy with great development potential.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    underground coal pyrolysis;tar-rich coal;horizontal well;productivity prediction;energy return rate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    东振,陈艳鹏,张梦媛,等. 富油煤原位热解U型水平井产能预测:试验与数值模拟[J]. 煤炭学报,2025,50(2):1052−1068.
  • Citation
    DONG Zhen,CHEN Yanpeng,ZHANG Mengyuan,et al. Production capacity prediction of U-shaped horizontal wells for in-situ pyrolysis of tar-rich coal: experimental and numerical simulation study[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2025,50(2):1052−1068.
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