• 全部
  • Title

    Erosion resistance of A182F347 stainless steel in liquid-solid two phase flow system

  • 作者


  • Author

    OU Guo-fu,LIU Xu,JIN Hao-zhe,WANG Chao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Laboratory of Multiphase Flow Deposition-Erosion,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou  310018,China
  • 摘要
    以直径为150μm的Si O2和Al2O3混合物为磨料,在自制的旋转式液-固两相流冲蚀试验装置上研究冲击角度、冲击速度及浆体浓度对奥氏体不锈钢A182F347的冲蚀规律,结合试件表面的冲蚀形貌分析,揭示稀相液固两相流体系下奥氏体不锈钢A182F347冲蚀机理。结果表明:4%~8%的浆体浓度下,冲击角度对试件的冲蚀规律近似,即在冲击角度为60°时出现磨损率峰值,峰值两侧区域磨损率逐渐降低;浆体浓度为6%,冲击速度从1.65 m/s增加至3.85 m/s时,试件磨损率呈指数增加;在高流速下,冲击角度为60°,浆体浓度小于6%时,试件磨损率受浆体浓度的影响较小,浆体浓度大于6%时,浓度越高,试件磨损率越大。在低流速下,浆体浓度大于8%时,试件磨损率受浆体浓度影响较小;A182F347的冲蚀磨损在低冲击角度下,以犁沟切削磨损为主,在高冲击角度下,以锻打变形磨损为主。建立的数学模型与试验结果较吻合。
  • Abstract
    The erosion wear test of austenitic stainless steel A182F347 was carried out in a homemade rotary liquid-sol- id two-phase flow erosion test device with different impact angles,erosion velocities and slurry concentrations,and the SiO2 and Al2 O3 abrasive particle with a size of 150 μm. Based on the specimen surface erosion morphology analysis, the erosion mechanism of austenitic stainless steel A182F347 under the liquid-solid two-phase flow system was re- vealed. The results show that the impact angle has an approximate effect on the erosion of specimens under the 4% -8% slurry concentration. The erosion rate reaches maximum when the impact angle is 60°,and at the peak areas on both sides,the wear rate gradually decreases. Slurry concentration is 6% ,the impact velocity increases from 1. 65 m / s to 3. 85 m / s,and the speed index decreases with the increase of impact angle. Under the high flow rate,the impact an- gle of 60° and slurry concentration less than 6% ,the specimen wear rate is less affected by the concentration of slurry. When the slurry concentration is greater than 6% ,the higher the concentration,the greater the wear rate. Under the low flow rate,slurry concentration is greater than 8% ,the specimen wear rate is less affected by the concentration of slurry. The erosion mechanism of A182F347 is that the furrows cutting wear is predominant at low angles,and the forging distortion wear is dominant at high impact angles. There is a good qualitative agreement between the established mathematical model and the test results.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    liquid-solid two phase flow;stainless steel A182F347;erosive wear;furrows cutting wear;deformation wear

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Ou Guofu,Liu Xu,Jin Haozhe,et al. Erosion resistance of A182F347 stainless steel in liquid-solid two phase flow system[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(11):2883-2888.
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