• 全部
  • Title

    One-dimensional vertical infiltration of alternative soil covered on Yellow River sediment layer in flling reclamation

  • 作者


  • Author

    Shao Fang Hu Zhenqi Li Xingyu Chen Chao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration,China University of Mining and Technology(Beiing)
  • 摘要
    针对采煤沉陷地充填黄河泥沙后覆土量不足的问题,提出利用当地表土、心土和黄河泥沙组配作为新覆土材料,研究了其垂直一维入渗特性。结果表明,随着黄河泥沙占比提高,新覆土材料初始入渗率、稳定入渗率在0.461 5~4.166 7 cm/min、0.032 9~0.327 3 cm/min范围内变化,分别与黄河泥沙占比呈显著性正相关、极显著性正相关;累积入渗量和湿润锋下移深度同样呈增加趋势,同一入渗时间下,水分得以快速进入土壤,减少了地表径流;并利用Kostiakov模型对入渗过程进行模拟,结果表明Kostiakov模型能很好地描述新覆土材料入渗过程。表土、心土和黄河泥沙3组配比分别为1∶1∶0.86、1∶1∶1.33、1∶1∶2的新覆土材料质地为壤土,入渗优于或接近常年耕种农田,具有一定的保水性。根据尽量增加黄河泥沙层上覆盖材料厚度的原则,选取配比1∶1∶2的新覆土材料作为黄河泥沙充填复垦采煤沉陷地的覆土材料。
  • Abstract
    Due to less of covered soil afer fllig subsided land with Yellow River sediment layer,alternative soils,which was mixed by topsoil, subsoil and Yellow Riv er sediment,was proposed to solve this problem.In this study,one-dimensional vertical infiltration of alternative soils was researched.The results showed that initial and stable infiltrative rate of alternative soils both increased with sediment content in alternative soils,ranging from 0.461 5 to 4.166 7 cm/min,0.032 9 to 0.327 3 cm/min,res pectively.The relationship between initial and stable infiltrative rate and sediment content had dramatic positive correlation and extremely positive correlation,respectivel y.The cumulative infiltration and wetting front depth also increased with sediment contents,under the same infiltration time,moisture could enter soil rapidly,which was C onducive to decrease surface runoff.In addition,the Kostiakov model used to fit the relationship of infiltration and time,and it got a very well result.The alternative soils W ith ratio of topsoil,subsoil and sediment were 1 : 1 :0.86,1 :1 : 1.33,1 : 1 : 2,their texture were loam,the infiltration effect was better or approach cultivated land,and wat er holding capacity was good.With principle of the more covered soil the better,we recommended that 1 : 1 : 2 was the suitable ratio of topsoil,subsoil and sediment of al ternative soil,and it could be used as alternative materials to cover on Yellow River sediment layer in mining subsided land flling and reclamation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining subsided land; Yellow River sediment; flling reclamation; alternative soils; soil infiltration;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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