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  • Title

    Study on mine strata pressure law of fully-mechanized coal mining face under coal pillars and goaf in contiguous seams

  • 作者


  • Author

    Guo Fang Gao Baobin Niu Guoqing Wang Zuguang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Coal Production Safety Collaboration ZInnovation Center in Henan Province Cultivation Base of Province and
    Ministry Joint Established State Key Lab-Henan Provincial Key Lab of Gas Geology and Gas Control, Henan
    Polytechnic University School of Safety Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
  • 摘要

    为了研究近距离煤层上部区段煤柱和采空区对下煤层综采工作面开采的影响,运用FLAC3D数值模拟和工程实践相结合的方法,研究了三交河煤矿2-2-601综采工作面在上覆已采煤层留设煤柱和采空区下开采时的应力分布规律。结果表明:综采工作面在煤柱与采空区下的矿压显现呈现不同规律:煤柱下方液压支架的最大工作阻力大于采空区下支架载荷;在周期来压时,煤柱下方液压支架的循环末阻力比采空区下方增加了332.1 k N,平均来压步距增加1.07 m,而动载系数下降了8%;煤柱两侧边界下方载荷高于煤柱中部下方载荷,并在煤柱中心线处出现峰值,煤柱正下方及边缘两侧各10 m为影响区域。

  • Abstract
    In order to study the coal pllar at the top section of the contiguous seams and the goaf affected to the mining operation of the fully-mechanized coal mini ng face in the underneath seam, a FLAC3D numerical simulation software and engineering practices combined method was applied to study the mining stress distributio n law of No.2-2. 601 fully mechanized coal mining face of Sanjiaobe Coal Mine with the coal pillars left in the above mined seam and under the goaf of the above seam. The results showed that under the coal pillars and goaf in the above seam, the mine strata pressure behavior of the fully mechanized coal mining face would have differ ent laws. Under the coal pillars in the above seam, the max working resistance of the powered support was higher than the powered support load under the goaf in the above seam. During the periodical roof weighting, the circulated end resistance of the powered support under the coal pillars in the above seam was 332.1 k N higher th an under the goaf in the above seam, the average roof weighting step distance was increased by 1.7 m and the dynamic loading coefficient was reduced by 8%.The loa d under the two sidewalls of the coal pillars in the above seam was higher than the load under the central part of the coal pillars. When the peak value occurred in the C entral line of the coal pillar in the above seam, the influence area would be right under the coal pillar in the above seam and would be 10 m under each of two sidewalls.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    contiguous seams; mine strata pressure; coal pllar; goaf; overburden rock movement;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关专题

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