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  • Title

    Research and development on thickener for fracturing fluid prepared by coalbed methane flowback water and application

  • 作者


  • Author

    Guan Baoshan Liu Yuting Liang Li Wang Ling

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Langfang Branch Institute, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development CNPC Key
    Reconstruction Lab of Oil and Gas Reservoir Research Istitute of Dilling and Mining Engineering and Technology,
    CNPC Chuangqing Dilling Engineering Company Limited
  • 摘要
    为实现煤层气井开采过程中压裂返排水的重复利用——配制压裂液,设计合成了含苯环的双子表面活性剂GM,考察了GM质量浓度对体系黏度、耐温耐剪切性能及杀菌性能的影响。试验结果表明:当GM质量分数达到2%时,黏度可达114 m Pa·s,形成的交联冻胶在剪切速率49 s-1条件下剪切500 s,黏度维持在80 m Pa·s不变,当GM质量分数为0.05%时,杀菌率达到98%以上。GM与其他添加剂配伍性良好,冻胶破胶彻底,对储层伤害小。
  • Abstract
    In order to realize a recycling utilization of the fracturing flowback water in the mining process of the coalbed methane well, the Gemini surfactant GM wit h benzene ring was designed and synthesized. The quality concentration of the Gemini surfactant GM affected to the system viscosity, heat resistance and shear resist ance performances and bactericidal performances were investigated. The test results showed that when the quality concentration of the GM reached 2%, the viscosity C ould be 114 m Pa.s.Under the shearing rate condition of49.0 s-1, the crosslinked gel formed would have a shearing of 500 s and the viscosity would be kept stable at 8 0 m Pa.s. When the quality concentration of the Gemini surfactant GM was 0.05%,the bactericidal rate would be over 98%. The Gemini surfactant GM would have a go od compatibility to the other additives. The gel-breaking would be complete and a less harm would be occurred to the reservoir.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane; flowback water; surfactant; fracturing fluid;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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